Cowboy Bikers MC #2 Read online

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  “Let me the fuck go,” I growl. “He needs to die.”

  “Not words you should say when lawmen just entered the room,” Decker growls low in my ear.

  “Get off me.” I roughly shrug his hands off. My eyes find Cassidy. “Are you okay?”

  She nods while simultaneously hushing out the words, “Yeah, you?”

  “Better now.” I take a step in her direction but movement from the ground catches my attention.

  Kai turns and is holding his gun again, which he seems to have found on the floor where I made him drop it.

  “Don’t move,” he snaps.

  There’s suddenly a whooshing sound and some white, cloudy shit is surrounding Kai while Joaquin yells, “Shoot him, shoot him.”

  The sound of shots ring out while Kai’s body jerks as bullets impact his body. Glancing beside me I see Decker slowly letting the gun’s aim go down. There are six other guys standing behind him, all armed and dressed in black.

  My eyes go to Kai and back at Decker. “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  He shakes his head but I can see his mouth twitch. I know it’s morbid, but I did want him dead and a mere moment ago Decker stopped me from killing the fucker with my bare hands while he killed him just now without blinking. Okay, it’s the whole self-defense, saving us since Kai aimed a gun to shoot us first, whatever; Kai’s death was inevitable.

  I head for both Cassidy and Joaquin and take the fire extinguisher from Joaquin’s hands, glad to see those two managed to free their hands.

  “Smart thinking,” I compliment and he gives me a shaky nod in reply.

  “Come on, let’s get the two of you out of here.” I reach for Cassidy and she takes my hand, allowing me to pull her up.

  I guide the both of them out of the clinic and it takes a long time before we’re finally back at the ranch. EMTs were at the scene and they checked out both Cassidy and Joaquin and they tried to check on me due to the fight I had with Kai. But I’d rather have them focus on my woman who’s pregnant and just experienced this stressful shit, but they—and Cassidy along with it—assured me everything was fine.

  The clinic is closed until further notice with the investigation and cleaning up the waiting room. We took Joaquin with us to the ranch. It’s a good thing the new hired vet was checking up on a horse that was choking and was oblivious as to what went down in the clinic. He’s offered to take the calls in case there’s an emergency.

  Harlene offered her help but as soon as she explained everything to the new vet, he told her to take the night off to be with her friends. Maybe the guy isn’t such a douche after all.

  “Do you want another drink?” I question.

  Cassidy shakes her head. “No, I’m going to head for your room and take a long shower.”

  “Our room,” I correct her and she gives me a tiny smile.

  “Our room,” she agrees and takes my hand to pull me up. “Our bathroom. Our shower. Our bed. Our baby. Our life.”

  “Our wedding,” I quip. “Don’t forget about something this crucial.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Wedding? We’re not getting married. We don’t have to be married to be together. It’s just a piece of paper that doesn’t mean anything. I’m yours, you’re mine, we don’t need it in black and white,” she squeaks and her cheeks turn pink as she mutters, “Sorry. I’m overreacting.”

  She still has issues with her past and marriage. But I can wait, we have all the time in the world. This woman captured my attention at first glance and we already had to get past a few bumps in the road to clear a path for a shared future. One day I’ll get her to marry me, even if I’m old and gray; the ring will be just as shiny as our life since I will make sure it’ll never fade.


  Seven months later

  — Cassidy —

  “Should you be doing that?” Ledger asks while he leans against the opening of Esma’s stable.

  I shoot him a glare but keep brushing Esma. Every day I get to either ride or spend time pampering her and I love every second.

  “My arms are still functioning and I might not be able to see my own feet, but I can still groom my horse, Ledger.” I make sure to add some annoyance into my voice.

  I can’t help it. I’ve been cranky ever since I got up this morning. My back has been killing me off and on all night, and to seek distraction I went to the stables to keep Esma company. Roper headed out an hour ago to check some of the herds. He rarely leaves the ranch since I’m due any day now.

  “Your horse? I could swear it’s in Roper’s name. But I guess you don’t want anything to do with anything that’s in his name, including taking his name. You know, the not getting married part while you guys belong together and are about to bring a kid into this world.”

  I hit him with another death glare. “Did you eat ‘talk to me’ cookies for breakfast, Ledger? I don’t remember you being this talkative.”

  Asshole. I know it’s been a sore point for Roper—and all his MC brothers along with it—with me putting off marriage and being pregnant on top of it. But to be honest, I do want to. For months now, except I reacted badly the first few times he mentioned it due to the past and he didn’t want to pressure me so he never mentioned it again.

  But like I said, it’s a sore point because we’ve grown close and we’re fully committed. Getting married would be the whole crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s.

  My shoulders sag and the words slip from my mind, “I want to do the whole marriage part but he never asked again, okay? And I’m too chickenshit to bring it up.”

  Ledger steps inside the stall and lets his hand slide over Esma’s neck. Taking the brush from my hands he says, “He sent me down here to rile you up. Roper explained how he wanted to surprise you, so be sure to act surprised when you go to him now and see the ring on the table along with the ownership papers of Esma. But in all seriousness, could have asked him to marry you.”

  “Oh, damn, why now?” I reach out and grab Ledger’s forearm to brace myself.

  Ledger sighs. “You two have been together for months, so instead of the ‘why now’ statement you should be saying ‘it’s about damn time.’”

  “For fuck’s sake,” I gasp and try to breathe through the pain.

  Ledger is glancing at me, worry now shimmering in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “My water just broke and I think I’ve been having contractions all night and morning because my back hurts and I now realize they are contractions since they are coming and going much faster.”

  “Holy fuck,” Ledger mutters. “The whole ‘why now’ was about the baby, not the marriage part?”

  I groan and try to count in my head in an effort to pull through the intensity of the contraction.

  “It’s about to pop out into the hay for fuck’s sake,” Ledger growls into his phone. “Get here. Now.”

  He takes both my hands and ushers me out of the stall, locking Esma safely inside.

  “I called your old man, he’ll be right here.”

  “I want to go home,” I growl.

  “You’re going to the hospital,” Ledger snaps back.

  I brace myself and take steady steps out of the stables. I want that ring, dammit. Don’t ask why, I just want it. Call it insanity driven by pregnancy hormones but this has been put off for far too long. And if this kid has been growing inside me for all those months, it can wait a few minutes until I’ve fetched the ring and asked Roper.

  Roper, who is rushing toward me looking confused says, “Come on, Cassidy, the car is this way.”

  “I’m not getting into a damn car. Call the midwife, she can be here within fifteen minutes. There’s something I need to do first and the contractions are coming way too fast. I’m not going to give birth in the car on the way to the hospital.”

  He takes out his phone and makes the call. I’ve already waddled to our room and go inside when Roper curses behind me.

  “What are you doing, Sass
y? Come on, lie down or something.”

  My eyes scan the room, not finding what Ledger was talking about.

  “Where is it?” I ask and place my hand on the table to lean in and huff through a contraction.

  “Where’s what?” Roper asks in confusion.

  “Wait,” I wheeze. “A...moment...fuck...pain...ouch.”

  Roper starts to rub my back but I swat him away and glare. “Go stand in the corner. I’m in pain and this will take a moment to get this kid out of me so let me deal. I can deal. I will...fuck...dammit. Pain. Ugh. Gimme the damn ring, Roper.”

  Roper takes a few steps back and holds his hands up. “I love you, babe, but you’re kinda scary right now.”

  I puff out a few breaths while I glare at him.

  His phone dings with a message and he takes it out and glances at the screen. “The midwife just drove up, she’ll be here in two minutes, tops.”

  I close my eyes and breathe through the stabbing pain. Oh, dammit, come on. I know this won’t last months, weeks, days, fucking hours...or I can only hope so, but come on, I thought I had more time. “I want to marry you Roper,” I croak and open my eyes to lock onto his loyal and loving green ones.

  “As in right now?” He looks panicked and points at my belly. “Our kid is about to pop out, we can wait a little while longer, he kinda has priority along with your health and safety.”

  “If I have to cross my legs to keep him in, I will. Marry. Me.”

  “I will. Can I kiss you or will you order me back into the corner again?”

  The glares I’ve been shooting in the last half hour are enough to last a lifetime. Roper chuckles and steps toward me at the same time the door opens, revealing the midwife. He’s fumbling with my hand and guides me to the bed.

  “My water broke and the contractions are coming in one after another but I’m not ready yet,” I huff and almost sit down but rip my hand out of Roper’s grasp and smack his chest. “I don’t want to get into the bed yet.”

  Roper shoots a grin at me and turns his head toward the midwife. “She’s deadset to marry me but doesn’t realize she’s already mine and wearing my ring along with it.”

  I growl low in my throat but his words suddenly rip through the pain of the contractions, making me glance down.

  “Oh gosh,” I wheeze and close my eyes. “Could you just hang in there for one freaking moment,” I sigh and rub my back while looking at my other hand.

  Tears make my vision blurry.

  “Aw, hell, woman, don’t cry,” Roper croaks and steps closer.

  Before he can take me in his arms, I bury my fist into his leather cut and growl, “No hugging. This kid needs to come out and then we will discuss this ring because I love it so damn much.”

  The corner of his mouth twitches.

  I place my head against his chest. “I swear if you don’t stop grinning, smirking, laughing, or so much as twitching your damn lip, I will kick your ass.”

  “My woman is vicious when she’s in labor,” Roper states.

  “Lay down, Cassidy. You know the routine, we’ve discussed it,” Melanie, the midwife orders me.

  And yes, we have been discussing it but all of this pain makes me do weird things; emotions have gone haywire. But at least I have a ring on my finger and am now engaged to be married. The ring is gorgeous with the silver band along with a golden inlay resembling a rope along with a diamond on top. It’s almost as gorgeous as our son who is finally lying in my arms after three more hours of pain and cursing.

  But it’s all worth it. I can’t stop smiling and staring at the tiny new life who makes us complete as a family.

  “He’s gorgeous,” Roper states and gently lets his fingertips slide over the side of our son’s face.

  “You’re only saying that because I exclaimed he was a mini version of you,” I snicker.

  And he really is. The thick, black hair, Roper’s nose and chin; he’s simply perfect.

  “Did you two agree on a name?” the midwife questions.

  “Parker,” we both state in sync.

  We stare at each other for a few breaths before Roper leans in and feathers his lips against my forehead.

  “Thank you,” he murmurs.

  Confused I ask, “What for?”

  “For giving us a second chance. For opening your heart and placing it in my hands. For making my life perfect and becoming the most gorgeous mother for our son. And for finally agreeing…no, demanding, to get married. I’m thankful for all, but mostly to be able to live with you by my side and having the future ahead of us.”

  My throat clogs up with all the emotions ripping through me. “I love you so much,” I whisper and let my eyes slide to the perfect little man in my arms. “The both of you.”

  Roper kisses Parker on the head and connects our lips right after, murmuring in agreement, “The both of you.”

  No matter how many twists and turns life takes, until everything falls into place, it’s only then you finally realize some things are meant to be. It makes you appreciate and value your past and future together; living life to the fullest with no holding back.

  The ring on my finger proves it. The last barrier and yet I was the one holding myself back. Not anymore. And I now realize that with the one person who is my counterpart in every way, we can face anything life throws at us.


  Four years later

  — Cassidy —

  “You have the ‘my ovaries are going to explode any damn second’ look on your face,” Harlene says and shoves her shoulder against mine. “Are you thinking about babies?”

  “Are you? Damn, just look at them.” My eyes never leave my husband and son, both sitting on a massive Longhorn Roper bred and trained himself.

  They’re just strolling along, enjoying the evening sun, while Weston is on a horse beside him with his daughter, Magdalena.

  Magdalena and Parker are the same age and I’m thankful for not only my own family, but the closeness of this MC along with it, surrounded by animals and expanding our family to the max.

  “I know,” Harlene swoons. “But not yet, though. We’re too busy with the MC, the ranch, Magdalena, the clinic. And us. We will at some point, I’m sure. Weston is always rattling on about five kids at least, but all in good time. You? Are you ready to become a raging bitch again?”

  I can’t help but cringe. “Definitely not looking forward to that. Let’s hope I won’t become one in a little over seven months. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him the joyful news. Can one hide a pregnancy and then one day blink and have the baby in your arms? Shit. I sound ungrateful. I’m thankful enough for being pregnant. Raging bitch it is.”

  Roper looks my way and gives me one of his smiles. The one that did in fact get me pregnant and makes me release a deep breath to know that even if I become a raging bitch during labor, he will stand by me no matter what.

  Harlene is way too quiet beside me, especially since I just dropped the news about me being knocked-up. I haven’t told anyone and was planning on giving Roper the news when Parker is off to bed. Raging bitch or not, he’s going to be ecstatic seeing he’s the one who hinted at me getting off birth control for over the last year now. Like Weston, Roper craves a large family.

  Harlene is staring at me, mouth agape.

  “Are you trying to catch flies?” I question and chuckle because it’s hard to flabbergast my best friend.

  “You’re? Are you? Holy shit, I was just kidding, but you’re serious? You’re pregnant?” she squeaks and I have to slam my hand over her mouth to mute her words.

  “Shush, no one knows yet,” I grumble.

  Her eyes twinkle and I let my hand fall away.

  “This is going to be fun. Can I be there when you’re popping the kid out? I’d love to see you ripping off Roper’s head again.”

  I roll my eyes and grumble, “I don’t want anyone to be there when it’s time.”

  Harlene doubles over with laughter. “It’s already starting,” she

  “Shut up,” I snap.

  She points at me and wheezes, “See?”

  I release some more curses but notice the Longhorn is lying to let Roper and Parker off his back. Roper takes the rope from the bull and strolls toward us while Weston leaves the pasture as Roper closes the fence behind him.

  “Everything okay?” my husband asks, raising his eyebrow when his gaze slides to Harlene.

  “Yep, everything is dandy. Harlene here just suggested to take Parker for a sleepover party. What do you say, Parker? Ready to eat some cookies and watch cartoons with Magdalena?”

  Our son cheers and rushes toward Harlene who opens her arms to hug him.

  “I’ll pick him up later,” I tell her but she shakes her head.

  “Tomorrow is Sunday. Sleep in and we’ll see you guys in the main room, okay?”

  I place a kiss on Parker’s head and watch as he waves his tiny hand while Harlene strolls to Weston and Magdalena.

  “Not that I’m complaining about the impromptu alone time, but...mind telling me what’s going on?” Roper says as his fingers slide to my neck, his thumb finds my jaw to tip my head back to lock our gaze.

  “Later,” I croak.

  The way his eyes are scorching me with the heat of lust and love is making my breath catch. I need his lips on mine. Rising on my tip toes I take what he freely gives me time and time again; everything. Tingles in my belly, love in my heart, and the thought of a shared future to continue for years on end.

  His chuckle rumbles through his chest when he ends the kiss. “Nice try, Sassy. Normally you don’t have any issues with rattling that sweet mouth of yours. Now spill, what’s going on?”

  Agitated by being deprived of more hot kisses, I snap, “I’m pregnant, okay? Now shut up and kiss me.”

  A bark of laughter rips from his throat and I just know a comment about me and my mood is on the tip of his tongue.

  “Oh, shut it,” I growl and try to shove his chest but he acts so fast, I’m grabbed by the wrist, yanked forward and thrown carefully over his shoulder before I can take my next breath.