Gust: Lost Valkyries MC Read online

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  Again, tears fall down her cheeks and this time I swear they will be the last to ever fall at the thought of her brother.

  “You’re right, all Keegan cares for is himself, not caring one damn bit who he drags with him to an early grave. And Keegan is going to his grave. Everyone does, but with the shit going on? I’m sure his time is up sooner rather than later,” she says with a sad and determined voice, and I’m fucking glad she understands the mess Keegan made for himself and what’s bound to happen.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.” Again, I give her the only words I can think of and I know they don’t help shit, but she needs to hear them. She needs to know she has my full support and understanding.

  “Not your fault,” she says, placing her forehead against mine.

  “Then I’m still fucking sorry for the shit I said to you,” I grumble. “Did I grovel enough already? Or do I need to sweet-talk you some more?”

  She lightly snorts and sounds so adorable and it makes my heart tug. Fuck, I love that sound. Even more when it’s lightening the mood.

  I rise and take her with me. Glancing around the kitchen I notice both Bark and Ronin aren’t here anymore. When Bark took her into the kitchen, two of my brothers needed to hold me back. I was so fucking pissed at myself, at every-fucking-thing. But I knew I needed to go to her.

  Once I calmed down, I told my Prez I needed to see my woman. I wouldn’t touch, say, or do shit…I just needed my eyes on her. Ronin agreed but warned me he would be standing in front of me. Needless to say, I caught half of the discussion between Paisley and Bark, ripping my heart in two. Nothing else matters, except her.

  Now I only need to clear up the shit her brother tied her in to before we can really start what we just begun; a life together. Because I for sure as shit won’t ever let her walk away from me.



  They’ve been in church for hours. Sometimes one of them comes out and leaves before returning with a laptop or some papers. It’s frustrating not knowing what’s going on or even worse, not being allowed to help.

  I’ve tried calling my brother but the number I have isn’t in use anymore. Neither is the one Gust had. Since I haven’t seen my brother in years, I don’t know where to look for him. He’s a total stranger to me. See? Frustrating. Because, until this mess is cleared up, I can’t leave.

  Though I’m doubting leaving this town. I probably should, it’s the most sensible thing to do, right? But, we had our first fight and Gust managed to hurt me deeply. This makes me aware he’s already so far underneath my skin and I would regret every second of my life not exploring the strong connection we have between us.

  The door to church opens and Gust strolls out. The tired look in his eyes makes me dash up to him and take him into my arms. He wraps his around me, burying his head into the crook of my neck to breathe me in. Tension leaves his body but he pulls away all too soon.

  “We’re running out of time,” he says in defeat. “And with it…it’s not looking good for the prospect.”

  “Shit,” I mutter. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “You’re doing enough by being here, staying safe. I need to head back inside. We’re finishing up a plan to flush your brother out. It only fucking works if he’s still in town though. But if he was smart he’s already crossed state lines,” Gust sighs.

  I might be helpful by staying put but I’m climbing the walls. “I need some fresh air.”

  “I can’t let you leave the clubhouse, not with Helios Darkness MC out for blood. Hell, maybe your fucked-up brother is a threat to you too. Waiting to snatch you up and use you for leverage to buy his way back in. Fuck. Sorry, that just slipped out. I’m sure your brother isn’t a threat to you. My brain is just fried.”

  “I know,” I tell him in a soft voice, and place my palm on his cheek.

  He closes his eyes ever so briefly. “We have a small yard out back. It’s surrounded by a large gate. Just stay near the clubhouse and not out in the open or close to the fence. There are cameras linked with the security feed, but I don’t want you taking any risk of getting shot by a sniper. Tell Badger, the prospect behind the bar. He’ll keep an eye on the feed too.”

  “A sniper?” I gasp.

  “Fuck,” Gust grumbles. “Sorry, I’m overreacting. Helios Darkness MC are a bunch of fucked up guys, but none are snipers. But my mind can’t process the thought of losing you.”

  My heart warms a fragment more for this man. “How can you lose me when we just barely started? No way I’m leaving, you owe me.”

  “I owe you,” he mutters thoughtfully.

  “You do,” I say with determination. “You said something about groveling and sweet-talking, ripping my pussy with loads of sex. See? The list is long with the things you owe me.”

  “I owe you,” he growls and pulls me closer. “And I’m gonna damn well give you all you fucking wish for.”

  “Careful now,” I warn. “I might have another long list of demands. One involving a huge mansion with a pool and some extra rooms for lots of babies. And my finger looks naked without something shiny wrapped around it.”

  There, I think I managed to put everything in a few sentences that would make any man take off running who shows interest in a woman who he’s only been a single day with.

  Instead of fear or backing out, his eyes twinkle and an expression of longing spreads all over his freaking face. “Bring it on, darlin’, I’ve been waiting a long fucking time to spend everything I have on the perfect woman, and I’ve been saving up for fucking years. Whatever it is you want and need…it’s yours.”

  I can feel my eyes widen. “You’re insane. We just met, again. I don’t care about money or marriage. Just you would be fine…for now.” I swallow hard, and mumble to myself, “Dammit, I meant to freak him out, not have it backfire and give myself a heart attack in the process.”

  His head tips back and laughter rips out, pulling me close enough to feel his chest rumble as he says, “I’m miles ahead of you, Paisley. I know exactly what I want, but I’m also one who can pace himself…allowing you to catch up. Hell, all the times I found you walking alone alongside of the road, or how I came for you after nine fucking years…it’s a straight arrow pointing to a sign stating we belong together, I feel it in my gut. This shit we have to handle is a slight bump in the road. A road leading to a future for the two of us. Wedding, babies, lovely dovely shit, the whole shebang, darlin’. You and me.”

  “Okay, you need to get back into church before I start to cry with you sweet-talking like a pro,” I tell him and slip away from his grip.

  He growls, “Not. Sweet-talking.”

  He’s probably thinking I thought he was just saying these things without any meaning, but instead they did strike hard. Smashing down a wall around my heart I had in place to not let anyone in. But I now realize Gust made it crumble from the inside, because he was already rooted in there from the start.

  “I know,” I say and feather my lips against his, “but I’m trying not to turn to mush here. See? I really need some fresh air and you need to go back to church.”

  “Don’t walk too deep into the yard, stick near the walls of the clubhouse,” he warns, and kisses me hard before letting me go to stalk back into church.

  I sigh in a swooning way as I watch his ass disappear. Strolling to the bar, I ask Badger the direction to the yard, and for a bottle of water. He points me in the right direction as I snatch up the bottle. Before I head out, I ask him to keep an eye on the security feed.

  Even though it’s chilly I take a deep breath and feel some of the stress draining with every breath my body expels. I grab one of the chairs and put my feet up. The yard is quite big with a few fire pits scattered here and there. I imagine this will be a nice place during the summer to have a barbeque. I take a few sips of water before placing the bottle on the ground next to me.

  I close my eyes briefly but a rustle of leaves and a low whistle draws my attent
ion. Standing, my gaze slides over the fence on the left where I heard the noise coming from. I’m shocked to see my brother standing behind a tree. I glance back at the door of the clubhouse, thinking of a way to alert Gust. Though I’m pretty sure Keegan will be gone as soon as I go inside. I grab the bottle of water and take off the cap.

  I hate this. Not being able to trust my brother. My brother. Family. One should at least have nice memories about a sibling, right? But he gave me nothing but grief and trouble. This time my feet aren’t moving toward him because of our family bond. Hell, no. I am going to him for my own benefit.

  I need to know what he wants. I need a way to get him to surrender himself to save the prospect and to take away the bullseye he painted on my back. I let my gaze find the camera, silently hoping Badger is watching the feed as I point my finger toward the fence.

  “What do you want, Keegan?” I say, a little louder than necessary, hoping the camera has sound.

  And if it doesn’t? I empty the bottle of water with a few strokes, making a K on the concrete floor, still hoping Badger gets my signs and is getting Gust and the other guys.

  I take one more step closer to the fence, but that’s it. I’m listening to Gust and sticking to the safety of the clubhouse. The wall is right next to me, if Keegan tries anything I can jump behind it and it’s only a few more steps to the door. Shit. I think this says more about my brother than me…I’m done with him. After this, I want him out of my life for good.

  Like I said, I couldn’t care less what he has to say. I’m only doing this in an effort to save the prospect and myself. Seems like I lost my brother a long damn time ago. The face staring at me is one I don’t even recognize. Cold, dead eyes. As cold as the piece of steel he’s holding in his hand.

  “Hey, little sis…I came to say goodbye,” Keegan states and raises the gun.



  Badger bursts into church and locks eyes with me. “Quick, your Old Lady.”

  I don’t need more words but dash out and follow him back to the bar. He points at the black and white screen.

  “Motherfucker,” I growl.

  “Bark, Crane, outside. Titan, take three others to go around back. No fucking sound. Shoot the fucker in the legs if he tries to get away,” Ronin snaps and palms his gun. “Come on, Gust, you need to get out there in the yard. Fuuuuck.”

  His curse draws my eyes back to the screen. “Hell, no,” I snap and move as fast as my legs will carry me.

  I barge through the door and in three steps I have my woman behind my back and my gun pointing right at the fucker I haven’t seen in nine damn years.

  “Get the fuck away from her,” I growl.

  The fucker doesn’t have his gun pointed at me, he’s got it placed under his chin. “No need to point your gun at me, old friend. I came to say goodbye.”

  “What the fuck, you selfish prick? Say goodbye, and blow your damn brains out in front of her face?” My blood pressure skyrockets at the thought of this idiot giving my woman another visual she doesn’t need. “She doesn’t care for a fucking goodbye,” I seethe. “What she needs is the fucking bullseye off her back you fucking put there when you screwed up. Make your death count and face your damn sins for a change.”

  “That’s the whole damn reason I called you. You took care of her and got to her in time,” Keegan snaps back. “I knew you’d be the only one who could take her from those two and keep her safe.”

  Wait… “How the fuck did you know I got there in time? Shit. You were out there? Doing fucking nothing and just fucking watching? They were about to fucking rape her when we kicked in the door,” I spit my words at the fucker who doesn’t deserve to take another breath.

  “Calm down,” Paisley whispers, her arms go around my waist as she presses herself against me, “he’s not worth it.”

  Keegan eyes us and a slight smile appears on his cold as hell appearance. “Just tell me this, brother…you gonna do right by her?”

  “Not your damn brother. And she’s my fucking Old Lady, I’d give up my last damn breath to do right by her,” I state and watch his finger twitch on the damn trigger.

  I can see it in his eyes, the moment he decides it’s time to leave this fucking world. I spin around to bury Paisley’s face into my chest. No fucking way am I going to let her witness this shit.

  A shot rings out. Stumbling. Curses. Keegan’s bellow makes me glance over my shoulder to see Crane and Bark holding on to Keegan who’s facing the ground. Bark twists Keegan’s arms to his back and puts a zip tie around his wrists. I can’t even manage to look at this asshole anymore.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside,” I tell her and I face my Prez who’s still aiming his gun at Keegan.

  His eyes lock with mine and I give him a nod in appreciation. Ronin is about to step aside when we hear Badger bellow from inside, “Incoming!”

  “Get her inside, and into the panic room,” Ronin snaps, and I follow him inside the clubhouse.

  I want to go with my brothers and face whatever it is that’s coming at us, but Ronin is right. My first—and only—priority now is Paisley. Ronin runs forward while I drag Paisley behind me inside a small room, closing the solid steel door behind us, automatically turning on the lights above us.

  “What’s happening?” Paisley squeaks.

  “Don’t know,” I absently reply and glance at my phone to check the time.

  I need to have some idea of how long we’re in here to maintain my sanity. Fuck. I reach out and hug her close. I need it. The feel of her in my arms, her scent, it’s pushing down my stress level. I see a light flash above the door. It’s a system we put in there to let the ones inside know it’s clear to come out.

  I open the door and see Titan. “It’s all clear, but you might wanna leave her here or take her to the new room you picked for yourself.”

  “Why?” I snap, aggravated at the half-ass information he’s giving me.

  He eyes my Old Lady who’s standing behind me.

  I reach out and tug her underneath my arm. “I don’t have any secrets from her, tell us what’s going on.”

  “They returned the prospect.” Titan keeps his eyes on me and only gives a tiny shake with his head.

  Fuck. Pretty sure this means he’s dead. Paisley moves so damn fast, she even manages to dodge Titan who reaches out to grab her. We both follow her to the main room where she’s standing in front of two large black duffle bags. One’s open, showing a bloody arm and a cut off foot. I want to drag her away but again, I’m not fast enough when she spins around and launches herself at Keegan.

  “Look what you did! It should have been you. I hate you so damn much, I wish you’d never been born. Then mom would still be alive. Dad told me never to come back here, never to go looking for you. He made me fucking swear never to reach out to tell you he died. I wish I was as cold as you, then I would be able to kill you with my bare hands.” Paisley pushes her brother who stumbles back.

  I grab her around the waist and pull her against me. Her fucking brother doesn’t fight but the way his eyes glaze over…the fucker is already dead inside. No damn wonder he pulled a gun on himself. He’s done. And besides, it’s not like there’s a way out of this for him. He made his damn bed, time to fucking die in it.

  Paisley turns in my arms, grabbing my cut with her tiny fists. “Hit him for me, break his face, break everything. Kill him, he deserves it.” She glances around me and directs her next words at Ronin. “I’d like to hire you guys. I need you to assassinate my brother.”

  Ronin raises his eyebrow at me, leaving this fucked-up request in my hands.

  “Darlin’,” I sigh. “His clock is already ticking away the last few minutes of his life. As my Old Lady you don’t need to give us the job because it’s club business to handle this shit. You’ll have your wish but we can’t kill him ourselves…we have to hand him over to end this threat…fucking war hanging in the balance if we don’t rectify the shit Keegan dragged all o
f us in.”

  Her eyes narrow. “Then you can at least kick his ass before you hand him over to Ugo, right?”

  I glance at my Prez, unsure what to fucking do with my woman’s demand.

  The corner of his mouth twitches. Fucker. “I mentioned you claimed one with a mean streak, right? I like her, and she’s right. Just make sure he’s still breathing when you’re done. I’m making the call right now. I don’t want any other blowbacks, we need to,”

  “What. The. Hell. Did. You. Do?” Anouk, my Prez’s Old Lady’s voice bellows through the room.

  “Oh, fuck,” Ronin grumbles. “Quick, I need a distraction, start kicking Keegan’s ass,” he orders me as he faces his woman.

  Don’t have to tell me fucking twice. I step around Paisley as I hear Ronin start to explain to the Old Ladies who came home early from their short vacation. Fucked up timing, they couldn’t just stay away one more day. Though it doesn’t matter, this all ends today.

  My fingers wrap around Keegan’s jaw, my nails dig in to keep him straight as my fist connects with his nose. A cracking sound assures me I broke it. Blood starts to pour out. I repeat the action three more times before I let him fall to the ground.

  I take the opportunity to give the fucker a few more kicks. He crumbles into a ball and all the fight drains out of me. He’s not even worth the effort of working up a sweat to kick his ass.

  I step back and glance at my woman, who’s got her eyes and all the hatred fixed on Keegan. Something I don’t like to see on her face. “Come on, darlin’, I’m done. This is only delaying the inevitable.”

  “Yes,” she snaps and tears her gaze away from her brother to land her gaze on mine and what a fucking difference. The hatred I saw does a one eighty and the adoration she hits me with takes my damn breath away.