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Page 3

Leaning forward, I trace one with my tongue. “Feel free to pull my hair when I’m doing it wrong,” I mutter before I close my lips around the tip and slide down.

  “Fuuuuuck,” Crane groans as his hips lift off the mattress, pushing himself deeper into my mouth. “Oh, fuck, sweetheart. Did you really say that?” He rumbles another groan. “Is this a virgin mouth my cock is filling up? Is that what you’re telling me?”

  One of his hands is fisting my hair, guiding my head up and down his length.

  “Mmmpmmm,” I manage, with my mouth full.

  “Hell yes,” Crane snaps before he rips me away from his dick.

  I’m stunned, but with my next breath I realize he’s working on getting my hands free. There’s a loud smack as his jeans with the chain around it hits the floor and he’s standing next to the bed. He grabs a pillow and throws it on the floor.

  “Get on your knees, Faya. Nose toward the ceiling.” He’s pointing at the floor in front of him.

  A shiver of desire grabs hold of my body, igniting the speed I need to place myself before him.

  He reaches out and slides his thumb over my bottom lip. “Open up, Faya. This mouth belongs to me. I’m going to fill it up with my cum so you can taste who owns you.”

  The smile on his face mirrors pure lust, yet in this very moment, he makes me feel like I’m adored, equally as much as wanted. We just met, how can this be? I’ve never experienced love, but with what he does to me…I like to believe it fits in that category. With the next stroke, I snatch his thumb between my teeth, playfully biting down.

  “You have no fucking idea how perfect you are, do you?” he mutters.

  He might as well have scorched my heart with the intense heat that radiates from his eyes.



  Palming my cock, I give it a few tugs before sliding the tip over her plump lip, leaving a trace of pre cum in its tracks.

  “Go on, sweetheart, let me see that tongue getting a taste of me.” My damn breath halts when the tiny pink thing sneaks out.

  Her gaze is locked on mine and I can see what my taste does to her. It makes her greedy, that’s for sure, because her head moves forward and she tries to practically swallow my cock. It hits the back of her throat sooner than she anticipates. I’m a well-endowed sonofabitch, but I also might have thrown my hips forward. Her hands fly to my thighs but instead of pushing me off, she hollows her cheeks.

  “That’s twice now, Faya. Once with your cunt that can take all of my cock, and now with your mouth, surprising the fuck out of me. I keep repeating myself but, you’re fucking perfect. You were thrown my way because you’re made for me. I ain’t gonna let you go, hear that?” I tighten my fist that’s buried in her hair and drag her off my dick. “I said, did you hear me?”

  Surprise is radiating out of those wide eyes of her. “Ye..yes?”

  “Damn gorgeous that look on your face, but don’t make it come out as a question, Faya.” I bring my head a little closer to her so she can see the determination in my gaze and hear it in my voice. “Let me make myself clear. No-fucking-one is ever going to touch or harm you in any way. You’re my woman; my Old Lady. Get me now?”

  “Yes.” Her smile is one no other woman has ever given me. She adds, “I get you now?” as she eyes my cock.

  Fuck. I mentioned perfect, right? “Take me in your mouth, Faya. You need to start sucking and don’t stop until you feel me pumping my cum down your throat.”

  Vibrations of her hums surround my cock and I know this will be a damn record if I make it beyond five minutes inside her mouth. In reality, it’s less than three when her fingers start to knead my balls. I bellow out her name while she sucks me dry. My cock has barely left her mouth when I pull her up and crash my lips against hers.

  I don’t fucking mind that she just swallowed my damn cum. This is my woman and she makes me so crazy I can feel my cock already hardening. That’s what she does. My blood pumps harder because she’s firing up my heart.

  My soul is too damn black for love, but I know a damn good thing when I see it. So I’m not a fucking fool to let her slip through my fingers. I’m never going to change and I will keep taking assignments. No other chick could handle the way she handles things. I mean, fuck…I impaled a head on a knife inches from her face. How’s that for a stable woman? Right. She’s mine. In every damn way.

  I’m about to lay her down on the mattress when my phone starts to ring. Grabbing my jeans off the floor, I dig inside the pocket and see the number of Ronin, President of Lost Valkyries MC in this state. I’m not actually tied to one MC, I’m a nomad. Except this one is where I hang out the most. He’s also the one who gave me Faya’s assignment, and a good friend of mine.

  I hit accept. “Ronin, what’s up, man?”

  “Hey, can you come over later today? Or have you packed and bagged and left the state already?” That’s how he is, no time for bullshit.

  My eyes stay locked with Faya’s when I answer him. “I’m still here and the job is handled.”

  There’s a silence before he says, “She still breathing? ‘Cause that fucker called to check if you could bring her to him.”

  Fuck. “She’s not his concern anymore. I took the job, it’s handled, end of fucking story. You damn well know this,” I snap.

  “Be here in an hour, Crane. I don’t want to discuss this shit over the fucking phone,” Ronin says before he hangs up on me.

  My woman has panic in her eyes, and I’m not liking it. That shit slices straight through my chest. It’s something I’ve never felt for any other living human on this damned planet.

  “What did I tell you?” My voice is hard.

  “No one is going to harm me. No one.” Her voice trembles.

  I give her a tight nod. “That’s right. You’re mine. And I protect what’s mine, do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” There is not one damn breath in between my words and hers.

  My fucking cheeks hurt from the smile that spreads on my face. “Damn right you do. Because you’re mine, huh?”

  I open my arms and she buries herself against me. I take a moment to enjoy our naked bodies being pressed against each other before I pull back.

  “Go get dressed.” I step away and smack her ass. “Your clothes are in the dryer. We’ll swing by a store and get you some new clothes and shit. Then I need to have a talk with Ronin, he’s the President of Lost Valkyries MC.”

  Before she leaves the room, she glances back. “He knows about me?”

  Damn. With the silence the room was in, I’m guessing she heard both sides of the conversation. “Yeah, sweetheart. He’s the one who gives me the jobs I earn my money with.”

  “Okay.” Her sweet voice is still echoing in my ear when she walks out of the room.

  I brace myself for the sound of the front door, the sliding door, anything that would indicate she’s making a run for it. Because she fucking heard that the asshole who ordered the hit wants her delivered to him. And I told her I needed to meet with my Prez.

  Yet instead of being surprised she didn’t leave, my body is filled with contentment when she stalks back inside my bedroom all dressed and ready to go.

  Pointing a finger at my cock, she tells me, “You might wanna add pants. Would be weird having your dick waving in the wind, riding that bike of yours.”

  My head falls back while I bark out with laughter. Fuck, I love this woman’s spirit.



  I feel like I’m on a roller coaster. Not just an emotional one, but one that makes your belly flip and gives you the high of pure joy. But in fact I’m on the back of a bike, holding on to a guy who took and gives me all.

  I’m wearing new clothes, a new leather jacket, blouse, and black jeans that fit perfectly around my curves. And to me that means a lot. I can never find a pair of jeans that’s a good size and comfy at the same time. Yet he walks into a store with me, tells the girl behind the register to get me the b
est pair of jeans. She would have worked faster if she wasn’t slipping over her own drool.

  Shit. I was getting annoyed with the little bitch that was fluttering her eyes every chance she got. Yet there was no need for jealousy because Crane was only watching me, he didn’t even give her the time of day. Even when he paid the bill he didn’t utter a single word to her, just threw the money and grabbed the bags before he guided me out of there.

  Yes, I said bags. Filled with clothes that are in the saddlebags of his bike. He bought me a whole new wardrobe. I’m not wearing my comfy moccasins anymore. Nope, I’m wearing black, chunky high heel boots. The yellow silk blouse I’m wearing underneath the leather jacket feels amazing. And I’ve not even mentioned the lingerie that is all lace and gorgeous. I think I’ve never owned clothes as expensive as I’m wearing right now.

  My arms tighten around the man I owe my life, and everything else, too. I feel him pat my hand before he picks up speed. I love the feel of the wind, the rumble of the bike, and the man who gives me everything without asking anything in return.

  Crane guides the bike toward a large gate that opens when we’re almost to it. Up ahead is a large building with a row of bikes in front of it. Here and there are fire pits, a few people are standing around them. Some are smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer and it looks like they are having a good time.

  The bike comes to a stop and that’s when I get nervous. I heard the other guy on the phone earlier loud and clear. The one who shot my roommate, and sent Crane after me, Tico Borgio, wants me brought to him. For three days I was scared that they would kill me. But knowing Tico wants me to be brought to him? It makes the thought of them killing me less scary because I have no clue what he wants and my mind can only skip to torture.

  With the abuse I’ve lived through, pain is a living hell where time is irrelevant. Making seconds drag by and seem like hours that will stay rooted in your brain forever. So the thought of getting killed is final and the thought of anything else is much scarier.

  But I chose to trust Crane. Because ever since he stepped into my life and practically took over, my life took a turn upwards.

  I gasp when I feel Crane’s fingers slide over my lower back, dipping inside my jeans and giving a tiny pull on my thong. “I fucking love these jeans on you.”

  I smack his hand away and step off his bike. Trying to glare and failing, I tell him, “Behave.”

  His chuckle makes my newly bought thong instantly drenched. And the look he gives me tells me he’s aware of that little fact. “Let’s get this handled so we can get back to exploring our bodies some more, what do you say?”

  “I say that sounds about perfect.” I hum before placing a quick kiss on his lips.

  Except before I pull away, his hand grabs the back of my head, tilting it so he can thoroughly dominate my mouth.

  We’re interrupted by a voice coming from behind Crane. “Gonna introduce me to the woman, or do I need to come back when you’re done mouth fucking her?”

  Crane chuckles into my mouth before he bites my lip playfully. “Meet my Prez, Faya. Damn pain in the ass, but if there’s any Prez or MC that considers me a member...”

  He steps back and the guy steps up and holds out his hand. “I’m Ronin. And don’t believe a fucking word he says about me.” He gives me a wink and adds, “I’m worse.”

  I grab his hand and give it a firm shake. The smile he gives me tells me he is indeed worse. Or it might just be the three scars that go from eyebrow to his chin on the left side of his face. Weirdly enough, they add to the rough handsome appearance. Yet he doesn’t hold a candle to the man that’s mine.

  Mine. This realization makes me step closer to Crane, who instinctively tucks me underneath his arm. “Let’s go inside and talk business, I have other things in mind for the rest of the day.”

  “Ah.” Ronin lifts his chin. “Lemme guess, more mouth fucking.”

  “Among other things,” Crane agrees before he guides me toward a large black door with the same patch on it that’s on the back of every biker that’s walking around here.

  Inside it looks like one big space. There are several old couches here and there, along with thick carpets. The corner in the back looks like it’s a gym because there’s a bench press and dumbbells laying around. Plus a very tattooed man is doing chin-ups, hanging from the ceiling. This space definitely has a whole man cave vibe to it. There isn’t one single feminine touch and nothing seems to fit together and yet everything as a whole kinda does.

  There is a bar in the left corner and four women with their tits strapped up high are standing in front of it. They don’t make me uncomfortable and yet their presence does because every single female inside here has the figure of a model. I’m like twice their size.

  “Don’t give ‘em another thought, sweetheart. That’s entertainment for the men here,” Crane whispers while he nuzzles my neck.

  “Oh, it’s not that. It’s...never mind.” He doesn’t have to know the real reason I’m uncomfortable.

  The sharp sting on my left ass cheek makes me gasp in shock. Did he just smack my ass?

  “Don’t fucking tell me those skinny bitches make you uncomfortable because you’re more woman than them. Because let me tell you, sweetheart, fucking that,” his voice is raised and my cheeks might be resembling a tomato right now, “have them screaming my name, begging for me to stop, cause they can’t handle my cock, is a huge turnoff. You, on the other hand, scream my name in pleasure, demanding I stop slacking and give you some more. Get it why you’re perfect and my Old Lady? That’s the fucking difference and the reason why they are passed around while you....”

  “I’m yours,” I breathe before I grab his head and kiss him.

  “Fuck, brother. You claimed her? Is that your way of handling it?” Ronin states from behind us.

  Crane doesn’t respond but just keeps swirling his tongue lazily against mine, taking his time to enjoy our kiss before he nips my bottom lip and finally turns toward Ronin.

  “She’s my Old Lady. It has nothing to do with me handling things but everything to do with her being mine because she was made to be.” Crane’s voice carries enough authority to have all the heads inside the room snap toward us.

  “I see.” Ronin nods. “That kind of changes things.”

  “It does,” Crane agrees, his fingers digging into my hip.

  I should be nervous about what might happen next, except…I’m not. Okay, maybe a little, because I want to live my life to the fullest. Meaning I want Crane to be there right next to me every step of the way.



  “Romeo,” Ronin snaps.

  Romeo’s head whips up from the beer he’s nursing. “Yeah, Prez?”

  “Come on over here and keep Crane’s Old Lady company,” Ronin tells him and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  My face must be all telling because I feel Ronin’s fingers grabbing my shoulder before he pins me with a look not to defy him. “You know this has to happen.”

  Yeah, I fucking know. Don’t have to tell me that one of my brothers is going to test my Old Lady. To see if she’s faithful to me, and to the club. Fucking hell. I can snatch up every stray cunt, even fuck her in front of my Old Lady and she wouldn’t have a damn thing to say about it…but an Old Lady? She needs to keep that cunt for her Old Man alone.

  Can I just add that I won’t ever touch another cunt for as long as my woman lives? Because I don’t fucking share and in return I respect her so damn much to give her the same loyalty. With the added bonus that no other woman can live up to her, she’s as perfect as they come.

  Delicate fingers slide over my abs, relaxing me slightly, before I hear Faya’s voice. “Go on and have a chat with Ronin. I could use a beer.”

  I make sure to connect my gaze with her bright gray eyes. “Wait for me.”

  The smile she gives me shoots straight to my damn heart. “I have no other place to go, baby.”

>   Fuck. The way her voice turned husky at the end. Shiiiiit.

  “Now would be a good time. You know….before you whip out your cock and fuck her. Because I have other things to handle and cunts to fuck too, you know?” Ronin sounds annoyed and yet there’s laughter flowing into his voice.

  My woman smacks my ass before she leaves my side and sits down on a barstool. I reluctantly turn toward Ronin. “Lead the way.”

  He walks into Church and sits down in his chair. There are twelve seats and a large dark wooden table. It’s not a big space and I’ve seen a lot of charters have bigger tables, more chairs, and a much nicer decorated Church. But Ronin is more of a ‘get to the fucking point without complicating shit along the way’ kind of Prez. That right there is an outer visual of his Church.

  He doesn’t need the classy shit. Hell, that’s also the reason he doesn’t have a table with him being the head. Nope. Round table, everyone gets a say in things. That’s always been his way too. Open, honest, respect.

  Keywords of the fucker that’s ploughing a hand through his hair and staring at me. “Didn’t see this one coming.”

  “What?” I chuckle in all innocence. “Me claiming an Old Lady? Or the woman I was sent to handle ending up to be my Old Lady?”

  “Both, man. Guys like us don’t take a partner for life to bring into this shit, you know?” He gives me an all telling stare.

  “I’ve killed someone an inch away from her. She didn’t even flinch but had an attitude to throw at me instead.” I smile remembering the first minutes I met her in the alley.

  “No shit?” Ronin raises his eyebrow and nods slowly. “Nice.”

  “Yeah, no shit. And she just keeps getting better and better. I’m telling you, giving me this assignment was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  Ronin snorts. “Here I thought she was the best thing…”

  “Shut it, Prez. You know damn well what I mean.”

  We both laugh before Ronin’s face turns serious. “The fucker called and changed his mind. If she was still breathing he wanted her brought to him. Something about keeping him busy for the next few months. You know this fucker snatches up a bitch every few months to keep locked into that BDSM dungeon he’s got going on underneath his backyard, right? I’m thinking he fucked up with the one he had and wants to replace her with your woman. Killing two birds with one stone, or so to say.”