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Quill: Wicked Throttle MC #3
Quill: Wicked Throttle MC #3 Read online
“Quill” Wicked Throttle MC #3
By Esther E. Schmidt
Copyright © 2019 by Esther E. Schmidt All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from the author.
This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, places, characters and other stuff mentioned in this book is the results of the author’s imagination. Quill is a work of fiction. If there is any resemblance, it is entirely coincidental.
This content is for mature audiences only. Please do not read if sexual situations, violence and explicit language offends you.
Cover design by:
Esther E. Schmidt
Editor #1:
Christi Durbin
Editor #2:
Virginia Tesi Carey
Cover Model:
Andre D'Cruz
James Critchley Photography
For those with thirsty hearts.
Here's to making you crave the next book in this series.
Table of contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
“Hey,” a soft voice quips from behind us.
All of us turn to see the chick with the white hair standing in front of the cabin. A cabin where Steven Trench—DEA boss and serial killer on the side—is holding Mira, his ex-wife, hostage. We’re here to take the fucker out. What in the hell is she doing here walking back to us?
“What the fuck?” I snap.
It’s not fucking safe and I told her so. When we were gearing up a few minutes ago she strolled out of the woods and stumbled upon us. One damn look and I knew I had to have her. Like a surge of lust laced with longing and satisfaction slamming through me and taking over. I strolled right up and took her mouth in a rough kiss.
Insane, right? Yeah, but insane enough to know damn well I had to have more time with her, and with the situation at hand I needed her safe and out of here. We’re about to handle a serial killer asshole holding up in a cabin ahead of us.
Even if she whispered her name in my ear—Adley—and offered to help us, I couldn’t let that happen; I needed her safe. I gave her the keys to my cabin located down by the river and told her to go there and stay put until I came for her. I guess she didn’t fucking listen.
“You didn’t tell me what the number of your cabin was, so I followed you guys.” Adley gives a shy smile but it falters when the first gunshot rings out.
I dash forward and take her down with me. Trench is dragging Mira with him out of the cabin, heading for the waterfall.
“He’s going to jump. Don’t let him. He’s going to get away,” I growl.
Everyone keeps their guns pointed at Trench. The sound of a helicopter beats in the distance.
“Don’t fucking move, Trench,” Blake states. “It’s over. Even if you jump, escape, or kill Mira…it doesn’t matter. It ends here.”
Barlow curses, takes aim, and fires a shot. The bullet impacts Trench’s shoulder. The arm Trench is holding the gun with flings to the side. Barlow fires a second shot that’s a through and through, hitting him in the wrist, making the gun drop to the ground.
Mira struggles and manages to hit Trench straight in the face with her elbow. Trench stumbles back as Mira slips away from his grip. Barlow fires three more times, hitting him once in each leg and in the chest.
I lose my grip on Adley and watch when she dashes forward and runs past Barlow to kneel near Trench. I’m almost there as she puts her hands on Trench’s chest to stop the bleeding. Adley shoots a look at Barlow, ready to ask for help as Trench surges up and roughly pushes her aside.
Gunfire erupts as Blake shoots Trench in the head. I bellow out as the horror-stricken scene plays out right before my eyes; I watch Adley slide toward the waterfall. I run to her but slip. I barely manage to grab her just in time but not before we both tumble down further.
Like I mentioned, I own a cabin here and grew up around the place. I know it like the back of my hand. The damn waterfall and its deadly ways too. The waterfall is steep with lots of rocks at the bottom and that right there makes it treacherous. I used to jump that sucker lots of times, makin’ my dad crazy because of the rocks underneath the water. One fuck-up and it ends up being your last.
“Hold on!” Zerox bellows and carefully makes his way toward us.
I risk a glance down to see Adley holding on to my wallet dangling on the chain connected to my belt. I know it’s not strong enough to hold her weight. We only have mere seconds and my hands are already slipping on the slick rocks. I won’t be able to hold on much longer either.
“I can’t...I’m slipping,” Adley whimpers.
I reach back to grab her hand, but at the same time the chain breaks, allowing her to fall backwards. All I can do is watch as she falls, knowing what lies underneath, the gamble of life and death she’s unwillingly taking.
“Noooooooooooooo…” My voice fades into the sound of the rushing water.
Chapter One
Four weeks later
“Are you sure about this?” I ask and glance to my left.
Blake is driving but he rips his gaze away from the road to connect it with mine before his attention slips back to where it needs to be.
“I could ask you the same damn question,” Blake replies and adds a short chuckle along with it.
Blake doesn’t belong to Wicked Throttle MC like me. He’s not a biker but a former FBI agent who runs his own company by taking on cold cases and solving them. I’ve dug into his background and I have to say, his reputation precedes him.
It’s the reason I answered the text he sent me where he asked me to join him to check out a lead. I’ve been ignoring everyone else over the past four weeks but I couldn’t ignore him. Not when he could be my only shot in finding Adley.
When I called Blake back after he texted me, he told me he needed to drive to another state to check out a few towns where Adley could be hiding. He put a few feelers out and caught a break when she used her credit card. She was last seen at a gas station a few miles from that.
Blake also found out Adley isn’t missing like we all thought she was when she fell from the waterfall four weeks ago and disappeared. No. She’s running. Not only from the law but a shitload of trouble to add to it.
Another thing Blake dove into and by the thick file resting on my lap, he’s done a great job at dissecting her life. Not the way I wanted to get to know her but to be honest, what other choice do I have?
“Did you get to the last sheet of paper?” Blake questions.
I grab the paper in question and hold it out. “You mean the one about her stepsister?”
“Yes,” Blake sighs and shoots me a sideways glance. “I wish I had more time to prove Adley’s not involved the way the police think she is.”
“She’s innocent,” I tell him in a fierce voice.
I don’t care what the file on my lap says. I’m not buying this load of crap. I might not know her and only saw her for a handful of minutes before she fell off the damn waterfall but this woman risked her own damn life to help stop the bleeding from a guy who was shot in her presence.
You don’t risk your damn life like that, not if you don’t car
e or are a stone cold killer who’s on the run. Then you won’t bother and leave people to clean up their own mess, right? So, fuck no, I don’t believe this woman has done bad things. And don’t start with the whole ‘love at first sight makes you blind’ shit either. I’m not that fucking stupid.
“Calm down, it’s not me you have to convince.” Blake shakes his head, clearly letting me know he’s not happy with my attitude.
“What are you going to do if I find her?” I question, not liking his attitude about all of this in return.
His eyes briefly meet mine before they focus back on the road in front of us. “If we find her you mean?”
I shrug. In my opinion he’s just along for the ride. Even if I’m in his car and he asked me to go along with him to check out a lead.
“First we need to find her. Then we’re going to bring her somewhere safe to buy us some time to get to the bottom of things because my gut tells me there’s a lot of shit going on these detectives who are on the case are overlooking. I don’t know why they are solely focused on Adley, another thing I’m itching to find out. The whole ‘we need her as a possible witness’ feels too much like a label they picked so she turns herself in. Then they can book her and pin the shit I think her stepsister, Hazel, and Josue, Hazel’s deadbeat boyfriend, along with a few others Hazel hangs out with did,” Blake mutters as he suddenly hits the brakes and hits the horn a few times. “Sonofabitch. Watch where you’re fucking going.”
I have no other choice but to chuckle. “Dude. Rein in the road rage.”
“Not my fault women can’t drive,” Blake growls and flashes a finger wave to the woman who thought throwing her car in front of ours was a smart thing to do.
I glance his way. “Now I know why you don’t date and are still very much single. A piece of advice, my man…rein in the sexist talk alongside the road rage shit.”
“I’m married to my job, don’t need a love life, and nailing a piece of ass for some in between stress relief doesn’t require much talking.”
“You and Beecher should hang out more. The two of you have the same perspective when it comes to women,” I tell him. “Now, can you get us there safe; you know…to put it in your level of logic; avoid all women drivers? I’m gonna go over all the information in the file once more, just to be sure I didn’t miss anything.”
“My perspective? You’re voicing that shit, so who’s the sexist one now with the ‘avoid all women drivers,’ huh? You know how hard that is? Harder than a cock at a titty bar,” Blake mutters.
“Not as hard as you finding a woman who’d marry your ass with that fucking mouth of yours,” I sigh, making him chuckle as I grab another piece of paper to glance over.
It’s not like I’m a saint with the judgy comment I just made. In fact, I’ve done my share of taking what’s offered and relished in it. Neither am I hopping on the whole ‘get married’ train. Still…I’m in this car with Blake on a hunt to chase down a woman who spiked my mind and body.
It isn’t the whole guilt trip and ‘making sure she’s safe’ because I couldn’t save her when she tumbled off the damn waterfall. There’s much more to it and even if I don’t know why, it’s something I have to do. Follow your gut, heart, whatever. So, here I am, spending hours and hours in a car with Blake.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Blake sighs, dragging my attention away from the papers I’ve been going over for the last few hours. “And getting a new chain, thicker than the last one, won’t change shit either. You know an incident like her holding on to it in an effort to save her was a one in a million, right?”
I drag my hand away from the chain connected to my belt. I used to have another one before I made this one. Its only use was to keep my wallet from dropping out and losing it. No other damn function since like Blake said…it didn’t help Adley hold on or save her.
“The old one broke so this is the new one, don’t make any more about it than there is. I have no failed hero complex shit going on or guilt swamping me. There, all cleared up so you can keep your eyes on the road and your brain on solving this case. Thanks,” I grumble, not liking his watchful eye on me.
We fall into another silent travel mode as the car eats away miles of road. My head whips up from the information I was still going over when Blake clears his throat to get my attention.
“My eyes are damn tired and I’m glad we’re finally here. We’re gonna check into the hotel my GPS points out ‘cause I need a few hours of sleep before we head out and look for your girl,” Blake states and switches lanes to get off the interstate.
“Not my girl,” I mutter. “You think she’s still here?”
Not the same spot Blake tracked her using her credit card. Seeing she didn’t use it once since she’s on the run, but she might have blown through the money she took with her when she left town after what happened.
Blake took a guess—or calculated her options whatever it is he does—as to where she would have gone. I trust him, he’s good at his job so we’re taking this lead and running with it.
“Here, the next town over, I think she needs more money than the few hundred bucks she managed to get from her credit card since it’s maxed out. If she’s as smart as I think she is, she might do a few weeks of hard work before she leaves to do the same all over again.”
I nod at his thought process. “Makes sense.”
“I’m damn hungry but I don’t think dinner is in the books when it’s the crack of dawn and around breakfast time, right? Damn. I feel like I could eat a horse,” Blake grumbles and I have to agree with him.
“Why don’t we check in and hit the diner across the street?” I point in the direction as Blake parks the car in front of the hotel.
“Smart man, I knew I brought you along for more than a nice discussion,” Blake chuckles and gets out of the car.
We both stretch our limbs from sitting in the same position for hours before getting our bags from the trunk and head for the hotel lobby. I wait patiently for Blake to get us two rooms. He gives me the keycard to my room and we decide to freshen up before heading to the diner across the street.
A hot shower and some fresh clothes later, I’m waiting in the hotel lobby while thumbing through the messages on my phone. There are a few I need to reply to but I don’t have the energy to do it right now. I reply to the only one I can’t avoid; my Prez, Zerox.
He’s been my Prez for years now and I have more than respect for the man. It’s not only the brotherhood linking me and my brothers; all of us have the same ambitions and mindset. Most of the bikers of Wicked Throttle MC are artists. For instance, Zerox’s sketches are more than talented, and Barlow can carve a bear out of a log within ten minutes.
But not all of us chip in by creating shit. Our VP, Corban, isn’t an artist but instead he uses his brain to organize exhibitions or puts out feelers for contacts in the art world. It’s also how our MC provides and not just gives us our money, it’s another mutual thing where we support each other.
What’s my job in all of it? I’m a painter. Not a normal one, though, but I guess every human has their own quirks and preferences. Mine happen to be a little twisted for some people while I like to think art is personal and limitless.
Blake strolls over to me. “You texting Zerox? Because I got a text from the man asking me, to ask you, to reply to him. But I called to let the man know where we are and what we’re going to do today, so that’ll get him off your back for another twenty-four hours if you don’t want to reply back right now.”
“Thanks,” I mutter as I follow him across the street. “He means well,” I add, more to myself than to Blake.
Blake switches topics as easily as crossing the street when he says, “I hope they have steak.”
“It’s not even nine in the morning and you’re going to order steak before coffee?” I shake my head but at the same time by stomach rumbles.
We’ve been driving for hours nonstop and I shouldn’t blame the man for his eating habits since I’m d
amn hungry myself. The both of us walk in and I’m glad it’s not packed with people.
The few tables strategically placed against the walls are empty, all except for one where a mother and two kids are enjoying their breakfast. Two older men are sitting at the counter nursing a cup of coffee. There’s a woman with gray hair in a bun, making herself busy with bussing an empty table.
Her head swings toward the door as we stroll in, as the bell jingles above us. The woman flashes us a bright smile. “Mornin’ fellas. Take a seat, Nellie will be right there.” Her head now swings toward the back as she yells, “Nellie, get your pretty ass out here. We have some nice fellas who need coffee.”
A door in the back swings open and a dude bursts through. “Ma, did ya call me?”
The woman with the gray bun sighs. “No, Neil. You go on and make sure your father isn’t messing up the orders. Tell Nellie I need her up front.”
Neil nods and disappears into the back. Blake takes a seat at a table with a clear view of the door. Instead of taking the chair across from him, I take a seat at the table next to him.
His eyebrow raises. “Give the wall your back and your eyes the rest, huh?”
I shrug. “I don’t like surprises.”
There’s a loud gasp and my eyes travel to the door Neil disappeared behind a moment ago. Yet now it’s slowly sliding closed, and no one’s there, but I swear I saw a dash of honey colored hair disappearing behind it. A jolt of awareness rips through me and I’m on my feet before I know it.
“What?” Blake barks.
“Be right back,” I throw over my shoulder. “Order me some coffee.”
I slip through the door and come face-to-face with Neil, who I dodge since I see the door on the left almost closing, indicating someone just went through there. I have a nagging feeling Nellie is Adley, even if I only saw honey colored hair and she had white hair when I met her. It’s a gut feeling it’s her, and I’m going with it.