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Cowboy Bikers MC #4 Page 8

  “I can. I only let myself drop because you stopped the bike. I didn’t mean to…I thought I could stand on my leg but it gave way when I put my weight on it.”

  Colt is right next to me, holding his arms out to take his sister while I straddle my bike. He helps Mayven get on the back and tells her, “He’s not wearing a helmet and can hear you. Fucking tell him if you need to stop or can’t hold on.”

  “I’m shot, not stupid. And stop your anger. I repeat…I. Was. Shot. You should be nicer to me.”

  “I’ll be nice when that fucking bullet is out of your leg,” Colt grumbles and connects his gaze with mine. “I’ll be right behind you, focus on getting my sister there as fast as you can and I’ll keep an eye on her, okay?”

  “You got it, brother,” I vow.

  He gets on his bike and waits for Kay to get on behind him before I head for the clubhouse. Minutes drag on but finally the main house comes in sight. When I park out front, I stay put until Colt comes up beside me to help Mayven get off the bike.

  I push the kickstand and swing my leg over the bike to face Colt. He’s about to sidestep me to carry Mayven inside, and I should let him so she gets inside sooner, but I’m an overbearing asshole and step in front of him to block his path.

  “Hand her over.”

  Colt sidesteps again. Well, he fucking tries but I have my arms around my woman and growl, “She’s mine.”

  Mayven’s arms circle my neck and she lets her body fall against me, making my heart take a plunge into a sea of love she just handed me. Colt rushes forward and opens the door for us.

  Stalking straight ahead, the local doctor is already pointing at a large table. “Lie her down over here, please.”

  I move out of the doc’s way and lean over her chest to block her vision in case she glances at her leg and what the doctor is doing. She gives me a shaky smile before her eyes fall shut and she hisses through the pain.

  A glance behind me lets me know the doc is cutting away her pants. At the end of the table are a lot of things spread out, some syringes, bandages, scalpels, that kind of shit. Kay appears on the other side of the table, taking Mayven’s hand while I hold the other. Colt is hovering above her head.

  “This is sweet and all, you guys fussing over me…but let’s not do this again anytime soon. Okay? All righty then. Motherfucker, warn a girl before stabbing her,” she growls and Colt chuckles.

  “That’s it, sis. Move what can’t be moved. You always were a strong chick. Remember when I shot you?”

  “The fuck?” I snap, eyes wide.

  “Oh, yeah. Bring up stuff about the glory days. Perfect timing, Colt.” Mayven keeps her eyes closed but continues to rattle words and I guess it’s what Colt intended so she’d have some distraction. “He was seventeen and I was like eight or nine. Need I mention he first pointed the barrel of the gun at his own freaking eye? Uh huh, he was crazy even back then. But even stupider when he actually took a shot…nicked a can…and then did a stupid dance because he hit the can and the gun went off again.”

  “It was just a fucking scratch on your calf,” Colt grumbles before he adds underneath his breath, “And it wasn’t a stupid dance.”

  We manage to distract her some more during the time it takes for the doctor to take out the bullet, clean the wound, and bandage her up. She’s resting on the couch when the doc checks out my forearm.

  I decide to carry her into the room I still have here at the clubhouse. It’s safer after the shit that happened and I expect Colt is looking after Kay but right now all my attention goes to my woman.

  From what I’ve been told, the drivers of the two cars are both dead and their cars have been towed and taken apart at the junkyard we own. Neo and Chip. And it’s weird as fuck these two came after us with cars instead of their bikes, but maybe they thought they’d have a better chance shooting Kay, or any one of us.

  It’s a good thing they’re both dead seeing they were the reason Kay needed to be protected. Though, what happened back at the diner with Cannon is fucking concerning. And probably the reason why Neo and Chip showed up here, following that fucker Cannon and leading them straight to Kay. But for now, we’re all safe and out of immediate danger.

  I want a damn shower but it will have to wait. Laying in my bed, holding my woman close while every breath I take fills my lungs with her scent, is all my heart desires. Her breathing evens out and I nuzzle her hair.

  Today could have ended in so many hollow ways and yet I can’t find it in me to glance back at the turmoil of events. The here and now is much better and I’ll make damn fucking sure the future will look even brighter.

  Her breath fans over my bare chest as I close my eyes and feel her body heating mine. It’s in hard times you realize the value of life and what lifts you up or drags you down. And one thing’s for sure, this woman holds my heart.

  Not only holds it but fucking stole it for safekeeping, making sure it was imprisoned with hers so they could beat as one and never be fucking lonely. In full contentment I let myself drift off to sleep.

  It’s late morning when we both slowly awake. I simply reach for the remote and flip the TV on. Like hell am I leaving this bed. The only thing necessary is making sure the both of us have a quick bathroom break–with me carrying Mayven into the bathroom to handle her business in private–and texting a prospect to make sure we get some fresh coffee.

  The day after that is no different. Mayven needs to keep her leg elevated and rested. And as long as I have my woman in my bed, you won’t ever hear me complain. But when day three comes I’m itching to get to work.

  I’ve always been one to keep busy and I actually miss working with the horses as well as the pain in the ass Longhorns. Mayven has crutches and can move around but she’s settled for sitting on the couch in the clubhouse along with Kay who seems nervous.

  Colt stalks out of the hallway and heads for Kay. He leans in and whispers something. Kay shoves him away and glares at him. He merely chuckles and strolls my way. Over his shoulder I see May giving Kay a tight hug.

  Kay has a sheen of tears in her eyes and I’m about to question it but Colt grabs my cut and drags me with him. “You and me and a bucking horse.”

  We head out and when we’re almost at the stable I pop the question. “Any idea what’s going on with Kay?”

  He doesn’t even glance at me but snaps, “Her days are up. Rowen is coming today.”

  “Fuck,” I grumble and add a few curses.

  Colt sighs. “Yeah. Nothing we can do or we’ll risk a war with another MC.”

  “Fuck,” I repeat, not knowing what else to say.

  Colt smacks my back. “She’s a tough one. I’m not worried one damn bit.”

  I narrow my eyes and watch the man who has been acting weird, and is most definitely acting weirder now with his cool appearance as if everything is under control.

  “You’re not worried about a woman who is about to head back home to the one family member she has left? One who whored her out to one of his brothers because he needs it to iron out a dispute?”

  Anger flashes hot through his eyes but it’s gone the next instant. “Like I said, she’s a tough one.”

  “I’m gonna talk to Weston, maybe there’s something we can do,” I press.

  He stops in his tracks and grips my shoulder and gives it a rough push so I’m now facing him. “Leave it alone, Ledger. I already talked to Weston. We have kids, old ladies, every-fucking-thing hangs in the balance. I understand his reasoning and fuck…just…life will find a way, okay? Just stay out of it.”

  Life will find a way? What the hell does he mean by that? He pierces me with one final look before he heads into the stables.

  With what happened days ago I fully understand what it means to have what you love most to be placed in the balance of life and death. I’m not ready to take that risk again, nor will I ever be. But to simply do nothing is hard as shit too.

  The day is young so I guess there’s still time to think of
a plan. It hasn’t crossed my mind these past few days because Mayven and I were absorbed in our own bubble. I also needed to calm my ass down because the image of her crashing to the ground bleeding is still vivid in my head.

  Selfish for sure, but I am damn lucky the danger surrounding us is in our past. And even if I won’t marry her, she’s the one I will fully commit to. The whole in sickness and health thing is actions, not words on a breath or a piece of paper. A fucking ring to wave in someone’s face to indicate there’s a ball and chain reminding you of your vows.

  I don’t need the reminder; she’s in my heart and always will be. And I’ll make sure with every breath I take she’s cared for while knowing she’s loved. A smile spreads my face as I grab the stuff I need.

  Colt walks toward me. “I forgot something. I’ll be right back.”

  I lift my chin and watch as he jogs out of the stables. Opening the stall of my horse, I take my time to groom and right when I’m about to saddle up, I notice Garrett along with Roper walk toward me.

  “Hey, see Colt anywhere?” Roper asks.

  I’m about to reply when Colt strolls in from the back.

  “What’s up?” he asks, trying for casual but the fucker seems out of breath.

  Roper narrows his eyes. “What did you do?”

  Colt holds his stare and shrugs. “Nothing. I’ve been here most of the time while Ledger here took his time getting his horse ready. I had to rush home to grab my phone, but that’s it…been here. What’s going on?”

  Now it’s true Colt took a strange turn when it comes to having his phone on him these days, but to go home and pick it up is fucking weird, even for him.

  “Kay is missing,” Garrett states.

  “What?” Colt and I snap in sync.

  I quickly step away from my horse and lock her safely inside her stall before I join my brothers who are huddled together and discussing Kay’s disappearance.

  “Alfie is going over the footage right now. May’s car is missing too,” Roper states.

  We head for the main house and when I step inside, Mayven rushes to me as fast as she can on crutches.

  “Any news?” she questions and shoots a harsh look at Colt. “What did you do? I know you said something to her before you left. She cried. She hardly ever cries. What did you say?”

  “I did and said shit,” Colt grumbles. “She’s the one always running for the hills so, don’t look at me.”

  Alfie stalks out of church carrying a laptop in one hand. “She drove off. She just got into May’s car and drove off by herself.”

  “So, she’s not missing? Like I said…she runs. She did the exact same thing when she showed up here. Hell, for all we know she could have just headed home instead of waiting for her brother to show up. She knows there’s no way out of the deal Rowen made and she knows she can’t stay here.” Colt shrugs. “Now, can we all get back to work?”

  He turns and heads for the door.

  “Just hang the fuck on, Colt,” Weston snaps as he stalks up to Colt who turns to face his Prez. “Are you sure you’re not involved? You didn’t tell her to run or offer to give her a way out?”

  The man gives his signature move as he once again merely shrugs. “I didn’t tell her to run. I did tell her if she stayed, I would fuck her in every hole her body possessed. Maybe that sent her running.”

  Alfie barks out a laugh. “No shit? You really told her that?”

  Colt shoots him a grin. “Sure did.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Weston grumbles and he takes out his phone, jabs his finger against the screen and holds it to his ear. “Rowen. Weston here. No. We have no damn clue. Security tape shows she got into May’s car and drove off. Sure. Yeah. Want our help looking? Fine.” He jams his phone back in his pocket as he mutters, “Fucking asshole.”

  “Everything okay?” Roper questions.

  “Alfie, email the part where she gets into the car and drives off to Rowen,” Weston orders before he directs his attention to Roper. “Yeah. All is good. Rowen said his sister’s a brat who always runs when shit get hard. She’ll turn up sooner or later.” Weston lets his gaze slide over all his brothers before it settles on Colt. “And if she does turn up here, we’re going to tie her up and send her home. Understood?”

  “Tie her up and bring her home. You got it Prez,” Colt says, sounding surprisingly sincere.

  I wrap my arms around Mayven who sniffles against my chest.

  Placing a finger underneath her chin I tip her head back and whisper, “She’s gonna be okay. You heard everyone, she’s used to running and she’s fucking strong.”

  She gives me a weak smile. “Yes, she is.”

  “We’ll be right here if she needs us and she knows where to find us, yeah?”

  Mayven nods at my words. I glance back at my Prez. “I’m taking two more days off.”

  “Two days, Ledger. But that’s fucking it. Time to get back to normal now that shit has been handled,” he grumbles as I swoop up my woman and head for my room, time for some more loving and sweet serenity before taking on the rest of the world.


  Five years later

  – MAYVEN –

  I feel a grin slide over my face the second I watch my man casually stroll through the backyard as he heads straight for me. Sucking in the sweet evening breeze to fill my lungs and slowly let my breath flow out in contentment is making this serene picture complete.

  Today marks exactly five years since I came here. Running from danger and unconsciously following a road to love. Hell, a path set toward a new future. Because Ledger is my future. We might not be married but he’s my partner in life in every way.

  “Everything okay?” I question.

  “Sleeping like a baby.” Ledger grins and slides down to his knees as he gently throws the baby monitor on the blanket I’m sitting on.

  We have two daughters. Heather, who is four, and Rose, our youngest, is almost two. Our lives consist of hard work. Ledger still trains horses and helps out around the ranch right next to his MC tasks. Sometimes he also helps me out in the morning when I get things set for a day of making–and delivering–lunch packages for all my clients.

  Even if Kay and I run a catering company together, we appreciate all the help we get. But in moments like this where the kids have gone to bed, the sun is ready to call it a day and let the moon take over while the stars twinkle above us…it really makes life hit pause so you can look up and realize life ain’t too bad.

  Especially when your heart is full while being surrounded by family. Blood or no blood it’s all about support, friendship, and undeniable love. And the man staring down at me holds all the love our hearts need to keep beating as one.

  He reaches for my hand and laces his fingers with mine, making our matching tattoos line up perfectly, completing each other in every way. It’s a tattoo we had done for our first anniversary.

  It’s an arrow going from my thumb to his in a straight line when our hands are linked. Ledger has the fletching part while I have the arrowhead, which is basically a heart. It was his idea and I absolutely love it. The tattoo might be small but its meaning is massive.

  I love these moments where we can enjoy the view of livestock grazing in the surrounding pastures, our kids sleeping safely in their beds and the carefree moments we get to enjoy as a couple. There’s not much needed to let a smile this big spread on my face.

  Just one glance at Ledger, lying on the blanket beside me is enough. He’s freshly showered and is only wearing jeans hanging low on his hips. All of his muscled upper body is on display. I lick my bottom lip and shamelessly take in his tattooed awesomeness.

  A low growl rumbles through the air before his hand shoots out and fists my hair to keep my head in place as he crashes his lips against mine. This man–no matter how long we’ve been together–the second our lips merge there’s a jolt of lust and warmth spreading through my veins.

  His other hand starts to roam as he grips my leg and drag
s me over his body. I shamelessly start to grind my hips against his, loving the feel of his hard dick through the fabric of his jeans. I’m only wearing a summer dress and my silk panties are a minimum barrier for friction.

  I break free from the kiss and have my palms pressing on his pecs. Knowing no one can see us–since Kay and Colt are away for two days and are the only ones who live right next to us seeing our house was built next to Colt’s cabin–and our kids are sleeping safely in their beds; I’m able to take what our bodies crave.

  And right now, I want to have him in my mouth before I ride him. Yes, sometimes it’s good not to have a plan and just hit the throttle and see where the road takes you, but it seems since the second I met this man I’ve had a clear view of what I like and take the next step with determination.

  My fingers slide down his abdomen as his muscles ripple underneath my touch. He sucks in a breath as I scoot down, realizing what’s about to happen. I pop the button of his jeans and carefully handle the zipper to allow his dick to fall out in all its hard and veiny glory.

  I lean in and connect our gaze. His pupils dilate, eyes filled with lust and love while my tongue sneaks out to tease his slit before I wrap my lips around the thick head and slowly take him into my mouth.

  “Fuuuuuck,” he groans and lets his head fall back as his hand slides to the back of my neck to keep me in place.

  As if I would ever let him go.

  My fingers tighten around the base, rotating slightly as my head bobs and my cheeks hollow. His breathing increases and the grunts of pleasure are urging me on to give him all. Especially when his eyes land on mine again and the adoration aimed at me is stroking my heart.

  A gasp rips from my body when he suddenly flashes forward and grabs me underneath my arms to hoist me up, making his dick fall from my mouth. I land on my back as he hovers above me–struggling to shove his jeans off–while touching every inch of my body with his eyes.

  Even if I don’t have a flat stomach, my thighs are curvy and the scars of life have touched my skin…this man has the ability to make me feel as if I’m the most beautiful woman on earth.