Cowboy Bikers MC #4 Page 7
I overheard Garrett and Colt mention something about a car slowly driving past the ranch two days ago and early this morning. But when Colt noticed I was near them he gave me a stern look and took the conversation outside.
Seems Colt still likes to keep me out of things but at least Ledger gives me straight answers when I ask him a direct question. I do have to mention Ledger keeps out of the protection detail Colt has set up for Kay. And in all honesty, I don’t have to know all the details, as long as she’s safe.
Up the road I see Colt take a right and my mind is trying to figure out what he’s doing since we were heading back to the ranch. With everything going on I haven’t even been sightseeing or visiting anything else but the companies Ledger told me about and who have now become clients where I deliver lunch on a daily basis.
Ledger guides his bike to the right and I now notice a tiny diner with a few cars parked out front. Ledger parks his bike right next to Colt’s but Colt doesn’t even wait for us and is guiding Kay inside the diner, his hand on her lower back.
I pass my helmet to Ledger who places it on his bike. “Is it me or is Colt getting weirder by the day?”
Ledger snickers. “Colt’s always been weird. The only thing off is how he seems to be surrounded by people more these days since he’s always been a loner. Seeing he’s hanging around with us because of the protection shit and you being his sister and all…it out trumps the weirdness.”
“I mean with Kay.”
Ledger places his hand on my lower back and guides me toward the diner. “Can’t say I noticed anything weird going on between them, other than they go head to head at times.”
I stop and spin around, placing my hand on Ledger’s chest. “You placed your hand on my lower back, Colt did it with Kay and they didn’t even wait for us. And why bring us to a diner when he’s all pinned on keeping her locked up at the ranch until her brother comes to get her?”
“The lower back thing? How else is he going to escort her inside? Grab her by the upper arm? Her neck? Wait, I’ve seen him grab a woman by the neck if he gets in a certain mood. Never mind. I have no clue. Your friend is safe and he must have his reasons for taking a break. I’m not complaining because I get to treat you to the best ice cream in town. Come on, you’ll see.”
When we stroll inside the diner, the first thing I notice is how cozy it is. There are a handful of booths along the wall, four tables on the right, and the counter is in the back. When the bell above the door rings, the waitress turns her gaze to us and gives us a warm and welcoming smile.
Colt is sitting in a booth all the way in the back and Kay is across from him with her back to us. We stroll toward the counter while I keep my gaze locked on Colt. Ledger’s phone indicates he has a message and he takes it out to read before tucking it back into his pocket.
“Are you okay if I order for us?” he asks, making me tear my gaze away from Colt and Kay.
I shoot him a beaming smile. “Sure. If you mentioned something about the best ice cream in town, I’ll happily let you surprise me.”
He orders and drags me off to a table on the other side of the diner.
“Why aren’t we joining Colt and Kay?” I ask, confused why he would choose to take a table for just the two of us. “Oh,” I gasp. “That’s so sweet,” I gush. “With just us it’s like having a date. Our first date.”
Ledger winces. “Yeah, I probably should have thought about that but Colt asked me to take a table on the other side of the room.”
I can only stare at Ledger. The waitress comes and places our order on the table and quickly dashes off to serve others.
Ledger offers me a hint of a smile. “I probably shouldn’t have mentioned the text from Colt. I could have scored some serious bonus points if I had said yes to having our moment: a date. Though, I didn’t want to lie and with you mentioning Colt’s weirdness before we walked in here…if I didn’t think he was acting weird before, he sure as fuck is now.”
My eyes slide over to my brother. He’s leaning on his forearms, eyes set on Kay while his mouth moves as if he’s telling her a story. I can’t see Kay’s face but it looks as if she’s ignoring Colt and instead is fully engrossed with eating her ice cream, shoveling spoon after spoon in the direction of her mouth.
“Can you at least give me your eyes? I mean, we’re on a date here,” Ledger says, his voice tinged with a hint of laughter and huskiness.
Okay, I might totally add the huskiness in my head but it’s been four freaking days since I’ve felt him inside me.
“Can’t we slip into the bathroom for a quickie? Maybe we could let Colt look after Kay when we get home so we can run off to the back of the stables and have sex. It’s been four days since we had sex, and before then it was years and years for me. I might go insane if we won’t be having sex any time soon. Not that I’m complaining or want Kay gone.” I shove a scoop of chocolate ice cream into my mouth to cut off my ramblings. I let my eyes fall shut when the sweet flavor explodes on my tongue causing a long moan to rumble through my chest as I sigh, “So. Freaking. Good.”
“If you don’t stop moaning, I’ll bend you over this very table and fuck you from behind, no matter who the fuck is watching. Dammit, woman,” Ledger growls, making my eyes flash open to see the lust swirling in his eyes. “And for the record, if it was possible to take you up against the wall of the stable, I would have. But Alfie made sure every single corner of our ranch can be viewed by security cameras. And I’m not into sharing you or so much as giving Alfie a chance to glance in on me taking you. That fucker would probably palm his cock and rub one out since he likes watching people fuck.”
My cheeks heat and I try to cool my body by scooping more ice cream into my mouth.
Ledger glances in the direction of Colt. “Maybe we could ask him to take her to his cabin, then we’ll have our house to ourselves.”
I point my spoon in his direction. “Or we could head for his cabin so they are closer to the main house and the rest of the bikers. For safety purposes, not because I’d probably scream your name so loud when you–”
“Stop. Talking,” Ledger grits through his teeth.
I can’t help but smile, happy to know he feels the same way. We’ve been together day in, day out, and yet it’s not enough. Our connection is solid and only growing and it does make me wonder where we will stand in a couple of months, or years for that matter. I do hope it’s the same heat level, but only time will tell.
“What the fuck?” Ledger snaps underneath his breath, his gaze locked on something behind me.
I glance over my shoulder to see a burly looking biker stroll inside the diner as if he belongs here. But nothing could be further from the truth. He’s not wearing a leather cut with the same patch as the one Colt and Ledger are wearing. This biker belongs to the Deranged Hounds MC. He does look slightly familiar. I must have seen him in the clubhouse the day of Kay’s father’s funeral.
“What is he doing here?” I whisper.
“No fucking clue. Stay here,” Ledger says and bypasses the biker to head toward Colt’s table.
Colt is standing in front of Kay, blocking the biker’s attempt to head for Kay if that was his intention. And that’s just it, I have no clue what his intentions are. All I know is that Rowen was going to pick Kay up, but Colt said she had seven days with us. We still have three days together.
Maybe something happened. Oh, shit. I hope Rowen is still alive. Even if Kay isn’t as close to her brother, he’s still her only living relative. I strain my ears to get a hint of the words thrown back and forth, but they are having a hushed conversation.
If the look on my brother’s face is any indication, I’d say the biker is going to get his ass kicked if he doesn’t leave soon. The biker takes a menacing step forward. Ledger jumps in between and holds out his arms to stop both Colt and the biker.
“She needs to get her cunt home to Shreveport,” the biker snarls.
Holy shit. Every pair of eyes are now locked
on them. Kay is cursing and trying to launch herself at the biker but Colt catches her in a tight grip.
“We will, but not today, and not by you. We have an agreement with her brother, your Prez. There is no damn way shit is going to change unless he himself is standing before us,” Ledger says and widens his stance as if he’s getting ready for a fight.
The biker spins on his heels and to my surprise he’s not walking out of the diner, but he heads straight for me. Except suddenly I’m not facing the biker striding at me, but I’m staring at the patch of the Iron Hot Blood ranch because Ledger is standing in front of me.
“Bad move heading for my old lady,” Ledger says in an utterly calm but deadly tone.
Peeking around Ledger I see how the biker shrugs. “I figured if you have one of our women, I’ll take one of yours.”
“You figured fucking wrong.” Ledger takes a step toward the biker, getting right in his face. “Step outside and we will solve the issue another way.”
They glare at one another for a few breaths. The biker fakes a move as if he were to attack and steps back pointing two fingers at his eyes and then at Ledger before he stalks out of the diner.
Ledger moves forward, as if he wants to follow the biker. I scramble from my seat and grab his wrist. I have to squeeze hard before he responds by glancing down at the spot where I’m holding him. Colt strolls up with Kay in tow.
“Do we call for backup or head home by ourselves?” Ledger questions.
“You two are going to join us at our table and talk through some shit before we head home. I’m getting the idea this fucker was acting on his own. There’s no way Rowen would send a single biker to retrieve his sister. Besides.” Colt pierces Kay with a hard look. “The way you reacted when you saw him tells me there’s more to the story than you just running off to see May. Am I right?”
Kay swallows hard and gives a hint of a nod.
I grab my ice cream and Ledger’s too. “Well, go on, let’s sit down at your table.”
As soon as our asses are on the chairs, Colt snaps in a harsh tone, “Spit it out, Kadence. I don’t like being misled and withholding details puts not only you but all of us at risk. I thought I scolded you enough the second your ass crossed our land.”
“Rowen is having a hard time keeping some of the bikers in line. One of them you just met, his name is Cannon. Let’s just say Rowen didn’t pick the obvious person to be his VP. But I think he did make the right decision.”
“Let me guess,” Colt says. “We just met the VP wannabe.”
Kay nods. “Cannon is a lying asshole, one who thinks I was the prize that came with the title. So, when he didn’t get the title, he…he came into my room. I managed to land a few punches and ran out. Then I kept running.”
“Why didn’t you go to your brother? If it would have happened in our MC we’d bury the fucker,” Ledger says.
Kay’s head goes down and she closes up completely. Colt curses underneath his breath and my gaze slides to him. Ledger is shaking his head in disgust but I don’t understand any of it.
“What’s going on?” My voice is thin because I’m almost afraid to ask the question.
Colt looks me straight in the eye and says, “Her brother probably promised her to that fucker who came here looking for her. A sort of consolation prize to keep the peace within his MC and to tie her to it.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I seethe.
“Shhhh, keep your voice down,” Ledger grumbles.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I whisper hiss in repeat, seriously questioning the sanity of some people on this fucked-up planet.
“I can’t go back. I know I have to, and I had no right coming here. Never mind. I should have gone with him. It’s inevitable.” Kay grabs her ice cream–which has somewhat melted–and scoops some into her mouth, closing her eyes to lock everything out and enjoy the sweetness. I know, because I’m doing the same.
Conversation falls silent. Though, it seems as if Ledger and Colt are having a silent conversation with the looks they’re shooting at each other. We all finish our ice cream and head for the bikes. Suddenly I’m itching to be home. I can’t help glancing in every direction to see if Cannon is still around, but there’s no trace of him.
Colt is riding next to Ledger instead of behind each other. I resist glancing back. At this point I’m too stressed to even glance back, because what if Cannon is following us? Would he start shooting? Kay and I are the ones exposed. Holy shit. My breathing picks up and I have to take a breath to calm myself down and not panic.
I feel a squeeze on my leg and realize I’m holding Ledger in a death grip. I loosen my arms slightly and his hand disappears from my leg. This man has a way with my body, lighting it up with a mere touch and even now, destressing me by a reassuring squeeze on my thigh.
A car passes and is now in front of us, closing in. I risk a glance back and see another car coming up from behind. I hear Ledger talk but I don’t catch all the words and I’m guessing he’s making a handsfree call or something because Cole has his gaze set in front of him.
“Hold on,” Ledger bellows over the roaring of the bike.
My mind offers, like hell am I ever letting you go, before he suddenly swerves to the right. My heart is in my throat when he drives straight for a half-closed fence surrounding a pasture, the road underneath turning into gravel, dirt, and grass. Colt picks up speed and rides straight through the gate as Ledger follows.
A crashing sound makes me turn back to see the fence shatter as a car bursts through and starts to chase us. I bury my face against Ledger’s leather cut, making a solid promise to myself that if I do get out of this alive, I’m going to enjoy every second of my life as if it’s my last one, because right now…I’m thinking any second could be my last as the sound of gunshots fills the air.
“Come the fuck on,” I mutter underneath my breath as I zigzag through the pasture.
Fucking hell, no way am I tasting a bullet. Or worse, having Mayven take a hit because she’s the one exposed being on the back of my bike. Goddamned. Colt swirls to the side and picks up speed.
It’s a damn good thing we’re used to riding on uneven terrain since we herd our livestock from time to time on our bikes. But dodging bullets at full speed is a whole different ballgame. One I hope to fuck will never happen again.
Though, for now I have to focus on getting out of this alive. And I fucking will pull us through. I refuse to give up on life when I feel as if it only barely started the day I met Mayven. I risk a quick glance over my shoulder and know I have to take a hard left to dodge the fucker’s aim.
Before I have a chance, I hiss through the pain as a bullet races through my forearm. I breathe through the fire licking my skin and grip the handles tighter. I keep my eyes open in a desperate plea to see backup coming.
There. Dust clouds appear in the distance, slowly closing in. Fucking backup. It’s about time. When I saw the car coming up from our left and another one close behind us, I called backup. Colt noticed the same thing and signaled for me to take the shortcut home through the pasture, knowing we needed the diversion to prevent becoming sitting ducks.
Mayven’s arms tighten around me as I take a fairly sharp turn. I can’t keep going in a straight line and some parts of this pasture have holes and bumps I need to dodge besides the fucking bullets. Like I said, the only reason we’re still riding at full speed is because we’re used to rough terrain, taking sharp angles due to livestock always being unpredictable.
The sound of Mayven grunting has my heart freezing for a few beats. Her hands tighten around me and I sigh in relief when I see Hopper, Weston, Garrett, Roper, Decker, Alfie, and damn, even Joaquin is on a bike heading straight for us.
Decker along with two others head left, the rest of them move slightly to the right as they bring their bikes roughly to a stop. As if they’re creating a wall with a door in between for us to slip through as t
hey aim their guns and start to fire at the two cars behind us.
Colt is the first one going through the space our brothers left for us and I follow. He slows down and glances over his shoulder. I take a look too and we both slowly turn our bikes around and come to a stop.
One car already stopped but one is heading for the fence and crashes through before coming to a stop a few feet away. End of the line for both fucks. A smile spreads my face but it slides right off when I feel Mayven’s weight shift and from the corner of my eyes I see her fall to the ground.
Letting my bike drop to the other side I fall to my knees and drag her into my arms. There’s a wound on her leg and blood is seeping out. Joaquin squats down next to us, cursing loud as he rips off his shirt and takes the fabric between his teeth to rip it apart.
“I need the doc at the ranch right fucking now. Yes. We’re six minutes out. One gunshot wound to the leg, Ledger’s old lady. Yes, there’s more. Ledger is shot in the forearm. And from what I can see Colt’s shot too, and–”
“It’s barely a fucking scratch,” Colt interrupts Weston who is calling the clubhouse to make sure they know what we’re dealing with when we arrive.
“Mayven,” I breathe. “Come on, sweetheart. You need to give me your eyes.”
“I’m hurting here.” She bites out every single word in pain as she squeezes her eyes shut again.
“Or just give me your sass,” I tell her with a hint of laughter in my voice. “I’d rather have you biting my head off anyway.”
She snaps her eyes open and pins me with a glare. I give her a hard kiss in return and scoop her off the ground now that Joaquin is standing after bandaging her leg to stop the bleeding. But she needs medical attention right fucking now.
“Can you hold on?” I ask, hoping to hell she can or I’ll have to put her in front of me and let her wrap her arms around my neck and go slow; whatever it takes to get her to the clubhouse faster.