Crane Page 4
“Why the fuck does he have a hard on for this woman, huh? Sounds to me like it’s way more personal than her just being a material witness to her roommate’s murder.” Shit, what is my woman, or Ronin for that matter, not telling me?
Ronin’s mouth twitches. “Would you believe it if I told you that I heard a rumor that the roommate gave him crabs?”
“No shit?” I can barely hold back my laughter.
“Uh huh, no shit.” Ronin chuckles.
He traces two fingers along his jaw. “You know…I had another call this morning. Happened to be a rival of this mob fucker. If you’re serious about your Old Lady, I might…”
“I fucking am,” I growl.
He holds up his hand. “If she pulls through, then I might have another job for you that will clear things up for you and her both.”
I nod for him to continue. “I’m listening.”
It takes another hour to go through shit before we walk back inside the main room of the clubhouse. Glancing around, I don’t see Faya.
Ronin smacks my chest. “Near the door. Check it out.”
My gaze hits the spot Ronin just mentioned and pride hits my chest. Why? Because my Old Lady is standing there, arms across her chest and glaring at Romeo. Romeo, on the other hand, is standing a few feet away from her, holding a bag of peas against his forehead.
“What the fuck happened, Romeo? Lost your touch?” Ronin chuckles.
Romeo points at my woman. “That cunt.”
“Watch your damn mouth,” I snap.
The fucker glares at me but nods. “Your Old Lady smacked me on the head with a beer bottle.”
I shrug. “You must have had it coming then, didn’t you.” I hold my arms open and Faya sways her hips toward me, wrapping that lush body against me so I can pull her even closer.
“You did good, sweetheart,” I murmur against her hair, breathing her in at the same time.
She tightens her arms before she pulls back and crashes her mouth against mine.
“Missed you.” Faya manages to mix those two words in between kisses.
My hands cradle her face while I guide her for a better angle before I break our kiss. I know she passed the club’s final test, and I know for fucking sure she’s all in, just like I am, so I give her one final option.
“I need to handle some shit, I’ll be gone for about half a day. You wanna hang out here, or do you wanna stay alone in our cabin?” Yeah, I said our cabin so she knows I’m all in.
Again with the smile that strokes my heart. “I’ll stay here if you don’t mind…if…”
“If what, sweetheart?” I question.
“If that Romeo idiot stays on the other side of the room,” she growls while shooting him a glare.
Both his hands go up and the bag of peas he was holding against his head hits the floor. “I got no problem with that.”
Ronin snorts. “It’s settled then. Crane, go handle it. She’ll be waiting for you. I’ll make sure to protect what’s yours.”
I give him a chin lift before I lock eyes with my Old Lady. “Behave.”
There’s that smile again warming my heart before I walk out the door to handle shit. I need to make sure nothing comes for her, because she’s mine, and mine alone.
I’m kind of regretting my decision at this moment. Not concerning Crane, but about staying here at the clubhouse. Because at the cabin I could be sitting in that hot tub soaking while enjoying the view. Ugh. I’m tired. It’s been…I check my watch for the gazillionth time, eight hours. Eight. I’ve been sitting on my ass, that feels like a board I might add. Hence the sweet thought of the hot tub.
“He’ll be here soon.” Ronin’s voice comes from my left as he slides a steaming cup of coffee in front of me.
“Thanks. I do hope so because I should have said I wanted to wait at the cabin,” I grumble.
“Why?” Ronin’s eyebrow raises. “Thinking of making a run for it?”
The look I’m wearing on my face makes him take a step back. “Hey, don’t throw the coffee at me, okay? I’m not pulling any shit like Romeo. I’m just making conversation.”
Something clicks inside my head. Maybe Crane did want to give me the choice to leave him. Like I ever would.
“My parents were killed in a car accident when I was eight. I was in and out of the system until I was sixteen. That’s when I had enough, because the last family thought it was okay for me to be used as their personal punching bag. An item to blame everything on that went wrong in their life. Oh, you know their favorite thing was placing me in the back yard and shooting their BB gun? Yeah, that had me digging out pellets for hours. So believe me when I know if a person does something for personal gain, or because he feels like the other person deserves it. Crane makes me feel like I deserve it. He looks at me like…” Shit. My throat clogs up with emotion.
I’m talking to a rough ass biker about feelings I’ve never even had myself or even think Crane, or the guy wearing a leather cut in front of me are capable of.
“By all means, don’t stop talking now.” I hear Crane growl behind me.
Swirling around, I launch myself at him. He catches me with ease with one arm while he’s holding a bag in the other.
He nuzzles my neck as he murmurs, “How do I look at you, sweetheart?”
I grab his face with both hands, staring at him while he gives me the look I talked about. “Like you want to consume me, like I belong to be looked at by you, and you alone.”
“Yeah, that’s too sappy for my ears. I’m gonna go get drunk and wrap a cunt around my cock.” Ronin strolls past us. “Happy trails to the mushy couple,” he bellows while cheers ignite around us.
“Yo, Ronin, hold up,” Crane says as he throws the bag he’s holding at Ronin.
“Ah, the evidence to show the client. He will be pleased there won’t be a war he needs to handle, with you eliminating his rival.” Ronin opens the bag and glances inside. “That’s…actually not looking quite as messy as it normally is.”
Crane snorts. “That’s because you can prevent a mess when you seal it by pressing a hot knife against it that’s been held into fire a second before.”
“There’s a nice tip to add with instructions next time I have to send some of the other idiots around here to do the job.” Ronin nods, a look of appreciation on his face.
I’m curious as to what’s inside. Taking a step toward Ronin, I ask, “What’s in the bag?”
Ronin raises his eyebrow at Crane, who I can feel is standing behind me now. Ronin nods as he holds out the open bag for me to glance inside. Once I do, I recognize the face that’s staring back at me. Tico Borgio. The mob boss who killed my roommate. The one who wanted to kill me, no…take me, or torture me. Never fucking mind what he wanted…he doesn’t want shit now. He’s dead. Crane cut off his head.
Relief fills me. Turning around, I poke Crane in the chest. “So that’s what you were doing while I was sitting on my ass here for hours.”
He nods slowly, his face blank as if he’s not sure how to handle this, how I’m gonna handle this.
A huge smile spreads my face. “Nice work. Definitely worth a sore ass. Damn uncomfortable chair makes me feel like my ass is a flat board.” I look back at Ronin. “Might wanna get some better chairs.”
“Noted.” Ronin chuckles. “And Crane…if you ever run into a woman like her…throw her my way. I need me one of those.”
Crane pulls me against him and plants a quick kiss on my lips. “Impossible,” he tells Ronin. “She’s one of a kind and all mine. Come on, Pickles.” He smacks my ass. “Let’s get out of here.”
Couldn’t agree more.
“It’s your fault,” I growl and throw a box of tampons across the bathroom.
He dodges easily as the box hits the wall behind him, making it rain white bullets all over the damn floor.
“Now, swee
theart,” the idiot starts.
“Don’t sweetheart me,” I seethe.
The man chuckles. Chuckles!
Glancing around me, I try to find something else to throw at his head. Ah, my wooden hairbrush. Before I can pull my hand back, I’m being swirled around and pinned to the bathroom wall.
“Sweetheart…” His smile is taunting me. “You know it’s the hormones speaking.”
Maybe I should knee him in the balls. That’s where the cause of all of this started, right?
“I hope it’s a girl, and that our daughter takes after her mother. I’d be damn proud.” Ugh. His words make me sag against him.
“But we just thought about trying to get pregnant like a second ago. How can your cum take one glance and hit home? That’s not normal you know. I was thinking I had a chance to prepare, read books, something.” Stupid logic, I know. I’m just freaking out.
He trails his nose along my neck, making my body shiver. “You can’t be prepared for what’s coming, Faya. Haven’t you learned that yet? But we’re handling it together, starting a family. Hey, you might carry twins.”
“Shut up. Shut up because you had me chilling out before you mentioned the word twins. Do twins run in your family?” I question. “Please say no, please say no, please say no,” I chant in a whisper.
“No twins, baby...just a whole lot of brothers.” He chuckles while I sigh in relief.
His fingers trail down my body, finding the place between my legs.
“How about I worship your body for the rest of the day, sweetheart?” The huskiness of his voice is shooting desire through my body while my pussy is getting wet with every stroke of his finger over my thong covered clit.
Crane lifts me up, my legs wrap around his waist as he pulls my thong to the side. His dick nudges at my entrance. Slowly he slides inside while we both moan in contentment. He turns and places my ass on the counter, freeing up his hands.
One hand sneaks up underneath my shirt to pull down my bra. I feel his fingers grace my nipple as he pinches it, making me gasp into his mouth while he growls and starts to pump harder into my pussy. My nails dig into his shoulder, trying to pull him even closer, while the heel of my foot presses against his ass. I need more.
“Feel the need to pull me closer, sweetheart? Is my cock not lodged deep enough for your tight cunt?” Again with the chuckles.
“Stop laughing. Give me more,” I growl.
I gasp when he pulls out, spins me around and smacks my ass so hard I’m sure his handprint will be there for the next two weeks.
“You want more, sweetheart? Better put your hands on the counter and hold on then.” His pelvis connects with my body, filling me up with one hard stroke that has his balls curl around, smacking against me.
His rough breathing, the slapping of bodies, my moans, his grunts. The whole bathroom echoes with the intensity of our raw fucking.
His hand appears in front of my face, his thumb sliding over my lips. “Lube it up for me,” he growls.
My tongue swirls around it before I bite down, letting him know I’ve done what he asked. Disappearing from my mouth, I feel something pressing against my ass the next instant. His dick is pumping my pussy while his thumb is now fucking my ass. The feeling of being filled up by him in two places while he’s leaning over me is intense.
Crane’s other hand is on my shoulder, keeping me in place so he can fuck me even harder. His mouth is next to my ear, grunting his pleasure. It’s got me wrapped in a tight blanket of the love he consumes and surrounds me with.
“Love.” Another moan escapes me. “You,” I breathe.
His hips falter before he picks up even more speed. “Fucking love you too,” he growls right before my orgasm hits and I feel his seed pulse in hard strokes inside me.
Nothing is more perfect than this moment right here. Two bodies connected, life starting to grow inside my belly, and the future that’s about to start for all of us.
“Damn perfect,” Crane mutters.
I couldn’t agree more.
Lost Valkyries MC is a short story series where each biker gets their own standalone story told, next up in this series will be “Ronin”.
Special Thanks:
My beta team; Cathy, Neringa, Tracy, Judy
my pimp team, and to you, as my reader…
Thanks so much! You guys rock!
More Books by Esther E. Schmidt
Areion Fury MC
Broken Deeds MC
Wicked Throttle MC
Lost Valkyries MC
The Dudnik Circle (Mafia/Dark)
Swamp Heads (Sweet/instalove)
Frederick (light BDSM)
Peacock The Faults Of Our Sins (Mafia/Dark/MC)
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“Corban” Wicked Throttle MC #0.5.
Chapter One
How the hell did I get myself into this? Oh, I know. The second I heard that heart-pulling whine, I just had to bend down and look into this fucking drain. When I locked my gaze with those bright eyes filled with fear, I didn’t think twice and shoved my arm in there. Shall I mention the fact that my arm is massive? So now I’m stuck, just like that sweet puppy that my arm is keeping company.
Positive note is that the sweet little thing is kinda happy now. Cuddling, licking my skin...yeah, he’s a good boy, or girl…damn, I don’t fucking know. I can’t even tell what breed it is because my fucking arm is blocking everything.
Footsteps shuffle on the ground behind me. I can barely lift my head, because I’m lying flat on the ground and all, with my other arm tucked underneath my body. All I can manage is to turn it a little bit and get a glimpse of black biker boots. Wait, no…maybe they’re SWAT or, hell I don’t know.
Just fucking perfect, I can’t do shit. Talk about a compromising position, with me lying helpless on the ground pinned to a damn drain.
“What on earth do you think you’re doing?” If her voice didn’t carry a punch, I might have written it off as timid.
Why? Why in the hell am I stuck and unable to look up to see if there’s a nice set of tits attached to the body that produced that voice? Fucking excellent. Not only is my arm trapped, but my dick seems to be confined in my pants that appears to get a tighter fit with every passing second. Not to mention the fact that there’s little space between me and the ground I’m draped over.
Ignoring the fucker that wants to get wet, and by this I’m not talking about the rain that’s starting to fall, I try to think of something smart to say.
Except…there’s that voice again. “Wait…you’re stuck? Why would you put your arm all the way in there? And it’s kinda big and all…not the brightest idea, but I think you’ve already noticed that little fact, right?”
Come on, I could really use a smart reply right about now, but the only head that seems to be working is in my pants. Isn’t there a law against sexy voices when someone is in a rough spot or something?
I can hear her move and know she’s looming over me. The sweet smell of jasmine and vanilla attacks my nose. This is pure torture considering I can almost feel the heat of her body so close to me…and that dog that’s...
“Could you stop humping me?” I grumble in frustration.
There’s a bite of pain due to a slap on my biceps.
“I. Am. Not. Humping you.” She seethes and I can feel her step away from me.
“No. Fuck, no. Not you, babe. The dog. The dog is humping my arm.”
here’s a dog in there?” Her voice does have a bite to it, although this time it’s filled with emotion.
I feel her crouching down next to me and then curly flames come into my line of vision. She’s a fucking redhead? Great, just fucking great.
“Aw, you sweet little thing, I’ll get you out. But first I need to get this huge chunk of biker out of our way, so hold on little one.” She croons.
I’m still processing her words when she slides my other arm free that was tucked underneath my body.
“Grab hold of me.” She instructs.
“Don’t have to tell me fucking twice.” I mumble.
Damn, I haven’t even seen her and I’m already hooked to that enchanting voice.
My fingers find a loop on her jeans and do as I’m told. I feel her touch on my back as she presses me down against the ground some more. Probably to create more space and get a right angle to get my arm free. My cheek is now on the pavement and I see her pressing her boot against the curb with her knee slightly bent. Tight fingers wrap around my biceps.
“Hold on.” She says only seconds before I see her leg go straight as a board and my arm is yanked loose. Hard.
Fuck, that hurt. Although I can hardly complain considering my arm is now free. There’s that whine again. Shit, the dog is still in there.
I’m pushed out of the way right after she throws that word out. Sitting up, I inspect my arm that has some lacerations. When I divert my gaze, all I see is a tight jean clad ass up in the air and a green shirt. Her magnificent red curls are about shoulder length and dancing around.