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Cowboy Bikers MC #4 Page 2

  “Yeah, well, I’ve only been on the back of Colt’s bike and I don’t know you. So, excuse me for not rubbing my pussy against your ass,” I snap.

  Laughter rumbles through his body and my nipples–rubbing against his back–harden at the shiver running through me. Great. As if my problems weren’t life and death, I just added sexually frustrated to the pile along with it. At least I’ve managed to lessen my thirst…though I replaced it with hunger, and it’s not for food. Ugh.


  – LEDGER –

  The calmness I always maintain and possess is suddenly hard to find. The second I laid eyes on her–sitting on the back of a horse like a goddess of war–my whole body tightened.

  The way she kept herself rooted to the saddle while Toby was bucking as he always does was a real turn on. Her smart mouth and spitfire attitude by galloping off to the ranch, where she stood her ground…she’s a dynamite package.

  Yeah, I could go on about all the reasons she intrigues me, but I need to focus when she slides off as I turn off the bike and put down the kickstand. I retrieve my stuff from the saddlebag and place my hand on the small of her back to guide her toward Colt’s cabin.

  “Why do you have a key to my brother’s house?”

  I hold the door open and when we’re both inside I lock up behind us. “As you know, Colt doesn’t function like the rest of us. Hence the reason a handful of us have a key to check on him when needed.”

  “PTSD has changed him. He’s a loner but he wouldn’t hurt himself or others.” A defensive undertone laces her words.

  “I was aiming more in the lines of not caring for having his phone on him so we can’t always reach him when needed. And yes, to the loner part. He lives out here for a reason instead of having a cabin near the main house or a room there like the rest of us. But it also has its benefits, having someone live on the outskirts of our property to keep an eye out. If only the man would carry a damn phone when needed.”

  “I’m used to it. I just leave a message and he’ll either call back or not. It’s also why I write him once a month. A letter or a card. Here, let me prove I’m his sister since I know where he keeps the stuff I sent. I’m May by the way.” She gives me a genuine smile, her eyes shining brighter and becoming more enthralling than they already were. “Thanks for standing up for me, though,” she says as she stalks to the kitchen and opens a cabinet underneath the microwave.

  To my surprise she opens a box and takes out a card. The front holds an image of Shreveport, Louisiana. When I take the card, I see a woman’s handwriting. It’s addressed to Colt, obviously, and there’s only a scribbled “Miss you, Mayven,” on the bottom left.

  “Mayven.” I let her name roll off my tongue.

  “May,” she shyly corrects. “No one ever calls me Mayven. Except for Colt, but only when he would reprimand me when we were younger. It’s also why I use my full name when I sign something to send him. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen him. I moved to Shreveport a few years ago, it’s where I was last night when–”

  Her eyes go wary, a hint of fear flares and without thinking I cup the side of her face and let my thumb stroke her cheek. “Hey, whatever has you spooked, we’ll handle it, okay? Even if your brother isn’t here. You’re family. You’re safe.”

  She surprises the fuck out of me when she lets herself fall forward and wraps her arms around my waist. I automatically hug her closer and let my eyes fall shut. Her body is plastered against mine.

  Soft. Curvy. Unlike any other woman I’ve encountered. I cup her neck to keep her close, nuzzling the top of her head since she’s so tiny she doesn’t even reach my chin. She fits perfectly against me.

  Her body starts to shake and suddenly she’s all tears and sobs. Though it somehow makes sense with her stumbling into my life, searching for her brother, and fighting to get to him. She’s on a quest because something is seriously wrong in her life. She sags through her knees and it forces me to scoop her up and carry her to the couch.

  Her whole demeanor is pulling on my instincts. I want to protect, fight, and care for her. I will give her time to catch her breath but then we’re going to talk. Her brother might not be here, but I am. I don’t think she’s aware I have her cradled on my lap with her eyes closed and sobs ripping through her body, but after a little while she suddenly freezes.

  “Back with me, are ya?” I chuckle and take her face into my hands to pull her from my chest.

  I rub my thumbs underneath her eyes to dry her tears. I don’t like to see women cry. Those who I’ve encountered have all been women who use tears to get their way. But this one? Eyes puffy, long lashes merged together from her tears while she holds innocence and vulnerability in her gaze. Fucking gorgeous, that’s what she is.

  Her attention slides to my mouth and I can see the shift in her eyes as she licks her bottom lip. Temptation. It would be easy enough to lean forward and take her lips. And it’s clear she shares the same thought when she slowly inches closer.

  I must be a saint earning a medal for this moment because right before impact I guide her head to my chest and groan in regret. “I would like nothing more than to kiss the fuck out of you. But I won’t take advantage when you’re having troubled thoughts and rushed out of Shreveport to come running to your brother for help, who isn’t even here for you. But I will promise you, as soon as your brother is back, you and I will do more than just kiss if you’re still up for it then.”

  Her head comes up and she shifts on my lap, straddling me while she’s now hovering her face above mine. Determination is in her eyes when she says, “If I tell you the reason why I need for you to kiss me, to make me forget and give me pleasure instead of havoc…will you give it to me, instead of postponing what we both seem to want?” She rotates her hips, rubbing against my painfully hard cock, as she adds, “What we both crave?”

  “I knew you weren’t a shy little flower, but don’t mistake my cock being hard for it to be jumped on by an easy lay. There’s always willing pussy surrounding an MC.” Her face turns hard by my words and it’s exactly why I’m telling her this because anger is storming inside me too. “Is that what this is to you? See a biker and jump his cock for some distraction? If so, I’ll be happy to call Alfie for you. Even if he’s possessive about someone else, he doesn’t mind playing around with women. In fact, I bet they would be happy to double team if you’re up for two men at the same time. Now that would be what you call a distraction.”

  My head whips to the right with force from the smack in the face I just received. My cheek heats but satisfaction roars through me when she seethes, “You’re an asshole. I thought you liked me. Your body hugging mine gave me comfort and pleasure and it made me feel good, okay? It’s been awhile since I felt good and it’s been years since I’ve had sex. It wasn’t a pity fuck or any cock that would have done the freaking trick. I’m not a damn cockhopper.”

  Cockhopper? I lunge for her arm and yank her back on top of me. She squeals and I shut her up by crashing our mouths together. I let her come up for air and mutter against her lips, “Not a one-time thing. It’s all I wanted to hear.”

  “Then you should have just said that,” she murmurs and plunges her tongue inside my mouth to claim another kiss.

  Too fast, too soon. Many would say those words but they probably never experienced the way a body reacts when it connects with another one at carnal levels. Lust. Desire. Pleasure. Heat. Fucking longing. It’s all vivid and pulsing through my veins.

  That’s why I asked her in such a degrading way–trying to push her away–in an effort to put the brakes on. But it’s useless. I want her. Badly. And by the way she’s kissing me and sliding her hands underneath my cut, I’d say she’s riding the same high.

  Our tongues battle, soft moans flow from her body as she rocks her hips against my hardness. I’m palming her lush ass, kneading those fantastic globes when a voice suddenly cracks through the air.

  “Ledger, for fuck’s sake, pussy is for i
nside the clubhouse. Not inside my fucking cabin.”

  Mayven freezes because the both of us know damn well her brother just walked into his own home. She buries her face into the crook of my neck.

  “Motherfucker, you went through my personal things or did the cunt you’re fucking on my couch touch my shit?” Colt roars as he comes striding out of the kitchen with murder written all over his face.

  “That was me,” Mayven squeaks and jumps off my lap.

  “Motherfucker,” Colt roars again but this time he adds more fury.

  Standing tall I step in front of Mayven and brace myself for Colt’s wrath but instead his eyes are set on his sister.

  “Cockhopper, Mayven? I told you there ain’t no glamour in my fucking lifestyle. You know better,” he sneers. “Ledger, fucking leave already.”

  “Watch your mouth,” I growl low and deadly, not liking for one damn second how he speaks to his sister. “Mayven.” I reach behind me and squeeze her hand. “Wait outside for a moment.”

  Colt’s head tips back and the fucker laughs a full belly laugh until it abruptly stops. “You’re serious? You want my sister out of sight so she won’t see her brother kick the shit out of the dick she was trying to ride.”

  I lose it and lunge for the disrespectful asshole. Colt grabs my shoulders but at the same time he turns to slam my back against the wall. During his move, I manage to headbutt the asshole right in the fucking nose.

  He roars and Mayven is in my face the next second. “Why did you do that?”

  Confused, I glance from Mayven to Colt. She smacks the back of Colt’s head and snaps, “Suits you right with your bloody nose poking into my business.”

  “I told you what would happen if I saw you with one of my brothers,” Colt snaps. “There’s only one of two ways with bikers, May. Either you’re a cockhopper or an old lady.”

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t plan to jump this man’s bones, it just happened. And how was I to know I instantly clicked with him? I wasn’t ever going to visit your MC, you know that.”

  “Anyone mind telling me what the fuck this is about because you two are seriously fucked up.” Anger surges through me. “Never fucking mind. When you two clear your shit up, you come find me, Mayven.”

  “Mayven, eh? Everyone else calls her May.” Colt chuckles and glances at Mayven. “He sounds like a lovesick fool.” He points a finger at his sister. “Told ya.”

  “Told ya, told ya, told ya, what the fuck?” I roar.

  Mayven sighs. “Colt always said I was welcome to come visit him but I wasn’t allowed near any of his…brothers. His exact words were–”

  “No one will touch my sister for any cockhopping action. She’s too good for that. And you fuckers can smell old lady material from miles away. One whiff and they would willingly hand over their cock on a silver platter.” Now Colt is pointing a finger in my face, his nose is still bleeding and it’s dripping down his chin. “You, brother, have your balls on a silver platter.”

  I narrow my eyes at the idiot, refusing to say anything. Because he’s fucking right. One look and she had my damn attention, like she said; we instantly clicked. I didn’t even get one damn whiff of her pussy and my balls were on the metal.

  Suddenly Colt’s whole demeanor shifts. “Wait. What are you doing here, sis? You never swing by for a visit and the last time we talked you were excited about opening your own…what was it? Catering? Muffins? Baking shit, delivering lunch packages or something?”

  “Yeah, well, seeing someone murder another person right before my eyes kinda abruptly killed my dream along with it, because I had to hightail out of there with only what I had on me. Luckily it was my purse so I could buy a bus ticket to get to you.”

  “Did the killer see you?” I ask, my heart is slamming against my ribcage.

  Fucking hell, I only just met her and her life already hangs in the balance.

  “Do you know the killer or the one he murdered?” Colt fires a question or two of his own.

  I swing my head toward him. “If she left right after she saw it and had friends with her, then she acted suspiciously and the fucker who killed the guy would know something is up.”

  “Oh. Shit,” Mayven whispers.

  Colt sighs. “Sit your ass down, sis. I need some coffee before you start to explain from the beginning. I’ve been riding all damn day and night. I should have stayed at a hotel driving up there and before heading back but I wanted to be home and start training the horse I’ve been breaking in. He’s skittish and I don’t want anyone else working with him.”

  “Coffee?” Mayven asks.

  “Sure, I’ll make you a cup too,” Colt says and heads for the kitchen.

  “No, I meant the horse. The one you’ve been breaking in, is he the coffee colored one? Because if that’s the case you came home a bit too late.”

  Colt swings his gaze toward me. “Tell me he fucking didn’t. I told Enzo specifically not to fucking touch Toby.”

  “He did. I walked out of the clubhouse in time to see Toby buck him off and he hightailed off the damn property because the gate was left open. If it wasn’t for your sister here, I’d probably still be chasing the damn horse.”

  “Not the horse’s fault,” Colt grumbles. “I knew Enzo would try to take over, fucking prospect, thinking he can do anything. I’m telling you Enzo isn’t a damn animal person. He won’t be getting my vote any time soon.”

  He turns on his heels and heads for the kitchen. I glance back at Mayven. Her eyes are set on the kitchen.

  “Good thing he came home early,” I whisper.

  “Yeah.” She gives me a small smile and winces right after. “Sorry about the whole balls on a platter conversation.”

  “It’s kinda in the same line as our ‘not a one-time thing’ conversation.”

  She snorts a laugh. “That was just as weird.”

  The corner of my mouth twitches. “Totally.”

  “You two,” Colt snaps, drawing our attention. “In the kitchen with me where I can keep an eye on you two.”

  Mayven crosses her arms in front of her chest. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “Fuck, no.” Colt points at me. “His cock isn’t coming near you until I see a ring on your finger.”

  “Colt!” Mayven gasps.

  I can’t help but laugh. Colt narrows his eyes at me but I hold my hands palms up. “No wedding in our future. You know me, I ain’t the romance type and for sure as fuck won’t ever marry anyone.”

  It’s a personal issue, it has nothing to do with not wanting to commit. Hell, I was ready to commit the first time I laid eyes on her. And I might as well claim her as mine now since my anger skyrocketed when Alfie was sniffing around her, the things Colt just said, and the trouble she’s in.

  A low growl rumbles through Colt’s chest and before he can make another comment about Mayven being a cockhopper, I tell the both of them, “She’s my old lady. And whatever trouble she’s in, it’ll be club business so she’s protected.”

  Colt closes the distance between us, grabs my shoulder, and drags me roughly against him in a man hug. “Thanks, man,” he croaks on a low whisper.

  The sound of the front door slamming shut makes me spin on my heels and curse underneath my breath. I rush out with Colt right on my heels. I manage to catch up to Mayven and jump in front of her to block her escape.

  “Now just wait a damn minute,” I snap.

  “No. I don’t have a freaking minute. Coming here was a big mistake. Kissing you seems to be an even bigger one. Hell, the reason why I ran to my brother for help was because I saw a biker kill another biker! And what happens when I get here? You, a biker. Colt, another biker. Going head to head and then deciding shit without even asking me. I just…it’s crazy town wherever I go!”

  “Hey, I did mention up front it wasn’t a one-time thing.” It takes effort for me to curve my voice in a gentle tone because the shit she spewed about a biker killing a biker is fucked up. But we need to tackle the part wh
ere she just ran from us first.

  “You did, but the old lady thing is flipping the switch completely to full speed, don’t you think?”

  I shrug. “You’re the one who just mentioned the killing part, it should remind you of the ‘life is too short’ part.”

  Her eyes bulge. “You did not just say that,” she whispers.

  “Get her inside, Ledger. I’ve heard e-fucking-nough. I’m guessing this is Deranged Hounds MC doing the killing?”

  Mayven’s head swings into the direction of her brother. “How do you know?”

  “Because your roommate is the president’s daughter, that’s how I fucking know. Or did you really think I didn’t keep an eye on you? I had Decker, one of our brothers, run your roommate’s name the second you gave it to me. But when I put a prospect on it, I found out she never visits the clubhouse.”

  Mayven is so fucking fast, I blink and she’s punching her brother in the shoulder. She wants to lash out again but I grab her from behind, caging her arms beside her body.

  “Stop fighting everyone, little hurricane,” I murmur.

  “Let me go,” she growls low in her throat. “I need to claw his fucking eyes out so he can’t spy on my every damn move.”

  “Brother, leave us,” I snap at Colt and he gives me a nod before heading inside.

  She keeps struggling in my grip but I tighten my hold and tell her, “I’m going to let you go but you’re going to listen to what I need to tell you.”

  “Fine,” she huffs.

  “You’re not gonna jump into a sprint once I let you go, right?” I chuckle.

  A sigh rips from her. “I was thinking about it. But I guess I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  “You do. My room,” I reply huskily and loosen my hold.

  She spins around and this time she playfully hits my shoulder.

  “You guys are driving me to violence. First, I have to hit you, spitting those harsh words at me, then my brother…you guys have turned me into a derailed madman.”