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Gust: Lost Valkyries MC

  “Gust” Lost Valkyries MC

  By Esther E. Schmidt

  Copyright © 2018 by Esther E. Schmidt All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, places, characters and other stuff mentioned in this book is the results of the author’s imagination. Gust is a work of fiction. If there is any resemblance, it is entirely coincidental.

  This content is for mature audiences only. Please do not read if sexual situations, violence and explicit language offends you.

  Table of contents














  “Can you hurry up already?” I grumble at Ronin, my Prez.

  We’ve been walking around the store—fucking grocery shopping—for like half an hour already and he hasn’t thrown anything in the cart.

  “Somewhere you need to be, Gust? You on a fucking timer or some shit?” Ronin growls and rubs a hand over his neck. “Why the fuck is this so damn hard? Fucking groceries.”

  My phone starts to ring and I ignore my Prez to snatch my phone from my pocket and answer it on the second ring.

  “Gust?” a voice cracks.

  “Who the hell is this?” I snap, jerking Ronin’s gaze to land on mine.

  “Hey, old friend, it’s Keegan. Listen, Gust…I need a favor. One favor, please. I won’t ever ask you for anything else,” a blast from the past rushes out.

  Why the hell is this idiot calling me after, what? Nine years or so? Growing up we used to live next door to each other. I watched the fucker spiral into bad shit. I’m not one to judge since I’m Lost Valkyries MC, but the MC Keegan started to hang out with nine years ago? Helios Darkness MC. No. Fucking. Morals.

  None. They kill for their own benefit, deal drugs, and are not shy about using minors. That kind of shit. Me and him cut ties nine years ago and neither one of us looked back. Keep it to different goals or outgrown friendship, me leaving to join the army, what-the-fuck-ever. But I didn’t want anything to do with the fucker.

  “Keegan,” I spit in disgust. “I’m hanging up now ‘cause I don’t owe you shit.”

  “No, wait, it’s about Paisley, please,” the fucker begs and I’m very much aware of the fact I didn’t hang up.

  The reason? Paisley. White hair, scrawny little bundle of fluff clutching her books, thanking me with a jingle bell voice every time I got her home safe because her fucked up brother didn’t care to do it himself.

  I gave her a ride home uncountable times. Her parents didn’t have much money and had to work every damn second of the day to bring food to their table, they thought her brother would look after his sister, but no…most of the times she walked home. Well, I made sure to give her a lift whenever I saw her walking alongside of the road. Easy enough with her being my neighbor so it wasn’t like I had to drive the extra miles.

  “Nine years, Keegan. Like I said, I don’t owe you shit, call someone who gives a fuck. One of your brothers for instance.” I snort, my mind spinning with all the reasons why this idiot would call me and not someone he knows or is a part of his MC, unless…

  “You fucking idiot! What the hell did you do? You put the heat on her? Where the hell is she? Gimme the damn address,” I growl, my blood pressure spiking, causing me to feel the vein in my temple start to throb.

  Keegan rattles off an address. “Get her out and keep her safe. I’ll,”

  “No, you fucking won’t. You’ve done enough. I’m gonna make sure she’s safe and you’re gonna fuck off.” I don’t wait for him to throw words back but just end the call.

  “What’s going on?” Ronin questions, shopping long forgotten.

  “Someone I used to live next door to calls me out of the fucking blue to pick up his sister.” I shove my phone into my front pocket. Ronin keeps staring at me and raises his eyebrow in a silent demand for me to elaborate. I rub a hand over my face. “Last time I saw him…he was a prospect. Helios Darkness MC.”

  Ronin’s face morphs into visible disgust. Yeah, same here, buddy.

  “I know,” I grumble. “But, fuck…why would he call me? After all these damn years. Fucking hell, I just know he did some shit and dragged Paisley into his mess. I don’t owe him shit, but,”

  “Women don’t ask to be pulled into club business. You never,” Ronin adds some curses but I cut him off.

  “Listen, I need to head over to,” Remembering the address, it suddenly clicks. “Dammit. He gave me the address of the motel near Red Burton, the one with the pink doors.”

  “Aw, fuck. I’m coming with; let’s go.” Ronin stalks past me straight out the door, heading for our bikes.

  It’s close to ten minutes later when I park my bike and head for the room number Keegan mentioned. Two other bikes are parked and I nod to Ronin, whose hand slides to his gun.

  I pound my fist on the door and bellow, “Paisley, it’s me, open the fuck up.”

  I’m not even sure she remembers me since it’s been nine years since I last saw her. Hell, the only words we used to exchange were only a handful at a time. Though I’ve always felt protective of her, I can’t explain it any other than that.

  Nine. Years. Yet here I am pounding on the door as if those years didn’t happen because I know for sure two bikers are in there and don’t fucking know what’s going on. All I know is that I need to get her home safe.

  The door swings open. A meaty dude with slick hair and no sense of hygiene is swallowing up the space in front of me. “What do you want?”

  I hear a woman yelp and see movement, and hear a struggle behind him. I place two hands on his chest and push the fucker inside. The fucker sputters and bellows until Ronin shuts him up by aiming his gun as he closes the door behind him.

  Another meaty dude with the same leather cut as his buddy is holding on to a woman. In his other hand is a phone which he throws on the bed as he sneers, “What the hell is Lost Valkyries MC doin’ here?”

  Ronin and I both ignore his comment and my focus is drawn to the woman’s body. Fucking curvy where it counts and with it my eyes feast until I get to her upper body where her shirt is ripped and she’s holding her fucking hands up to keep her breasts covered. Sweet, fluffy, candy cotton colored hair. Not white, fucking pink hair. Where’s the scrawny girl I knew?

  “Paisley,” I growl, and hold out my hand, hoping to fuck the tiny as shit worm I knew morphed into this tremendous butterfly.

  Her eyes lock on mine and I can see the wheels turning inside her head before it clicks. “August!”

  Fuck. Long time since hearing my full name, even back then she was the only person who refused to call me Gust. She dashes around the asshole—who’s holding a piece of her clothing—and runs straight into my arms.

  I place a finger underneath her chin, tipping her head slightly back. “You okay?”

  Her bottom lip fucking trembles, eyes flowing over with fucking tears as she gives a tiny shake. Utter fury flows through my veins and I want to tear these fuckers apart.

  “She’s Helios Darkness MC property. You have no right to barge in here and interfere with our club business,” the meaty fucker who opened the door sneers.

  “I fucking well can. You’re in my damn town. Un-fucking-announced. And you throw at me this woman is Helios Darkness MC property? Gust, ask the lady,” Ronin snaps.

  Fuck. This shit is bad. If it�
�s true we’re risking a war, walking straight into it. Did Keegan set me up? Why the hell would he do that shit? I haven’t seen him in years.

  “Darlin’,” I address Paisley with my eyes locked on the two bikers. “Are you Helios Darkness MC property?”

  “No!” she snaps, her voice stronger and pissed off. “My brother is Helios Darkness MC, I don’t have anything to do with his club. Keegan told me to meet him here.”

  One of the meaty fuckers steps forward. “She’s Keegan’s blood, he’s not here, she is. I repeat, she’s Helios Darkness MC property.”

  “Gust?” Ronin presses. “What’s she to you?”

  The feel of this curvy woman plastered against me, trembling and barely covered. Even if I only knew her when we were teenagers growing up over nine years ago…hell, even if I didn’t fucking know her, it’s like my Prez said; women don’t ask to be pulled into club business.

  I state the only thing that grants her full protection. “She’s my Old Lady, my fucking property. You’ve fucking touched what’s mine, and now you need to die.”

  My fingers dive into Paisley’s pink hair as I bury her face against my chest, preventing her from watching my arm raise as I flash it up and pull the trigger at the same time Ronin takes out the other guy.

  “This,” Ronin snaps, “is way fucking better and easier to handle than fucking grocery shopping.”



  Two gunshots ring out and I feel August’s chest rumble with laughter about something the other guy said. Every breath I take makes my lungs fill with the scent of leather, sandalwood, citrus, an indistinguishable link to August. Memories of the past fill my body as I sag further against this man.

  Man. Not the young, sweet guy who looked after me when my brother would drop me like a hot potato and run off to wherever he spent his time. August would always show up out of nowhere and made sure I got home safe.

  A sigh rips from my very soul. Not from what went down before this man stepped back into my life, but from the way my body welcomes his, as if my body recognizes its soulmate by some kind of chemical reaction his scent draws out. Insane. Seriously. There’s love at first sight, but I’ve never heard of smell and hand over your heart.

  “We need to get out of here, now,” the guy August came with states.

  I lift my head from the comfort of August’s chest and glance over to the other guy. His cut states he’s the President of Lost Valkyries MC. Turning back, I see August is a part of the same MC. His words now rush back about how he said I was his Old Lady…his property, and with it saved me.

  But still bouncing from one ball to the other—MC to MC. I know what it did to my brother, how it changed him. I should have never returned to my hometown. Dammit, I’m sure this MC is just as bad, August is just as bad. I need to save myself, get away as far as I can from all these guys.

  I step away and rush over to my backpack. I take a sweater out and pull it on. The nasty biker ripped off my blouse, leaving me half naked. Glancing down I see the asshole on the floor who wanted to rape me—would have—if August didn’t burst inside. Without a second thought my foot swings back and I kick the bastard in the balls. Hard.

  “Nice. Kick a man when he’s down. Dead. Whatever. You claimed one with a mean streak. I think I like her. Now grab your Old Lady and let’s hit the fucking road so we can dodge any after blow,” the President of Lost Valkyries MC says.

  He seems nice, though the scar along his face gives him a mean outer appearance. Maybe it’s the way his voice curls around the words and the fact he backs August up. But don’t all these guys back each other up?

  One’s nice, they’re all nice. One kills a guy, the other…oh, right…there are two dead bodies on the floor, proving my very red point. Yikes. I need to get out of here, fast. I grab my other bag from the floor—and with it have all the things I own in this world—and stalk out the door.

  “Not so fast, darlin’,” August says as his fingers wrap around my upper arm. “You need to come with me, and no fucking arguments; we need to move fast.”

  Shit. August is right. We need to get out of here before anyone can tie us to those two dead guys. Though I’m pretty sure my brother didn’t check in using his own name, anyone who sees us can give the police a description for sure. Without objecting, I straddle the bike and wrap my arms around August’s waist as he gets us the hell out of here.

  It’s been six years since I was last in town. Ever since my father took me away when mom got killed. Weird how the death of my father led me to come back here to face Keegan. And look how that went. I should have known better and followed my father’s request, but no, I had this nagging feeling to do the right thing and tell Keegan in person our father died.

  Funny how things go because I for sure never expected to run into August or end up on the back of his bike. It doesn’t matter, though. As soon as I’m able to, I’m going to take the next plane out of here. I don’t even care where to…anywhere but here.

  Normally I would have the next job lined up seeing as I’m an international nanny. My last job I was with a family for two and a half years. It would have ended next week but with my father’s death, the family assured me it was okay to leave early.

  So here I am, no job lined up, and no place to stay. It sucks August is a biker, but he’s someone I used to know and trust. Seeing he basically saved me back there, it’s safe to assume I can trust him enough to bring me somewhere safe. At least give me time to think of what to do next.

  I can still feel the rumble of the bike vibrating through my legs as I walk next to August into a large building.

  “Bark, Titan, Crane, church, now!”

  August leans in next to my ear. “We need to talk things through first with my brothers, then you and I will have a chat.”

  “Fine,” I mutter. “It’s not like I have a choice in any of it.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t, darlin’. Good thing Keegan called me, I sure as fuck don’t want to think what would have happened if he didn’t.” August’s words make me gasp.

  “He called you?” Why the hell would he call August?

  “Yeah.” August rubs a hand over his buzz cut. “Out of the fucking blue. Haven’t heard from him in nine years.”

  “Church, Gust,” the President of this MC growls. “We talk details and shit in there. And bring your Old Lady because we need the intel she has.”

  “Dude, I’m not his Old Lady,” I grumble.

  “Don’t call me dude. The name is Ronin.”

  “Well, I would say it’s nice to meet you, but the circumstances suck. But then again you were one of the two who helped me. Yeah, the verdict is still pending…I’m gonna ride this one out to see where it leads.” I’m not thrilled to be in a clubhouse filled with bikers because my brother and his MC only brought death and destruction to my family.

  Dammit, I should have never returned here. Lesson learned. Again...first plane out of here when I have the chance.

  There are three other men in this room and they all tell me their name. Nice, seems some do have manners. Another difference from my brother’s MC. Maybe I need to keep an open mind when it comes to these guys. Until I can leave that is.

  “Thank fuck all the Old Ladies went on a trip with the kids so we only have our own asses to watch over,” Ronin grumbles.

  “What the fuck happened? You were supposed to pick up groceries and what? Gust managed to come home with an Old Lady instead? Start from the fucking beginning,” Bark, a guy with a beard and lots of ink, says.

  My eyes slide to his pecs where his leather cut states this man here is the VP. Suddenly I’m curious what August does for this MC. Do they have jobs? Tasks? Drugs to run, women to snatch, money to steal, people to kill? A chill runs up and down my spine. I need to leave.

  But I can’t, so instead I sink down on a chair, hoping to gain some information as to what the hell is going on, so I know what I’m dodging as I hightail out of town and never retu

  August takes the chair next to mine. “Me and Prez were at the store when I got a call from someone I knew years ago. Hadn’t heard from the fucker in nine years but he asked for one favor, to pick up his sister. If the favor involved Keegan, I would have ended the call. But I couldn’t ignore it when it involved Paisley.”

  He clears his throat while mine clogs up. Not because my brother called him to come for me...but about the fact August came for me. Like he used to get me home safe when we were teenagers. I reach out and cover his hand with mine and give it a gentle squeeze.

  “Thank you,” I croak in a whisper.

  He gives me a tiny nod but directs his attention to the other guys. “When we arrived at the address he gave me, there were two bikers of Helios Darkness MC already attacking her.”

  “Fuck. Why the hell are they in our fucking town?” Bark curses some more.

  “Probably because of Keegan. Makes sense since the guy grew up here. Last time I heard, he’s Helios Darkness MC’s VP,” August states and it makes me suck in a breath.

  I didn’t know my brother was the VP. Hell, before we spoke on the phone yesterday, I hadn’t seen or talked to him in six years.

  “Gust here claimed Paisley. Then we killed those two fuckers and hightailed out of there,” Ronin grunts and everyone falls silent as all eyes turn to me.

  As if I’m the one to blame for all of it? “Don’t look at me. I only came back to this freaking town to tell my brother our father died two weeks ago. I haven’t seen Keegan since my dad drove us out of town six years ago when retaliation of MC trouble landed at our doorstep. So, don’t you dare look at me. I’m not wearing a cut, I’m not the sonofabitch my brother is. You know what? Let me get out of your hair so you bikers can play with your guns and dicks to see who’s got the biggest ones. I’m going to catch the next plane out of here. Oh, and if you do run into my brother? Give him a damn bullet between the eyes after you tell him his father died.”

  Screw this. I jump up and head for the door. I need to get far, far away from all of this.