Cowboy Bikers MC #2
Cowboy Bikers MC #2
By Esther E. Schmidt
Copyright © 2020 by Esther E. Schmidt All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from the author.
This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, places, characters and other stuff mentioned in this book is the results of the author’s imagination. Cowboy Bikers MC is a work of fiction. If there is any resemblance, it is entirely coincidental.
This content is for mature audiences only. Please do not read if sexual situations, violence and explicit language offends you.
Cover design by:
Esther E. Schmidt
Editor #1:
Christi Durbin
Editor #2:
Virginia Tesi Carey
Thanks for sharing the love for horses.
This one’s for you.
Table of contents
— Cassidy —
“What I need is to get back into the saddle, so to speak.” I shoot Joaquin a wink and grab my boobs to make sure they look good in the red top I squeezed them into.
Did the top shrink or did my boobs get bigger? Huh. Who cares, they look amazing.
Joaquin shakes his head. “He’s not going to be happy about it.”
He. Roper. Sexiest male alive, awesome raunchy sex, but such a dickface with alternative motives.
Instant anger flares through me. “He has nothing to say about me. He decided I was only an easy way, lay, whatever he needed to keep close so he could have his eye on the president’s old lady. I’m done with all men.”
“Says the woman who is about to go dick hunting,” Joaquin mutters.
“Whatevs,” I grumble, knowing very well he’s right. The remark flares the need to make a split-second decision. “But for your information, I’m going dancing, not dick hunting. I’m done with dicks: all my pussy will be getting is the battery driven type from now on.”
“Right.” Joaquin snickers. “That’s why you’re wearing a sports bra to keep those puppies from bouncing around the dance floor instead of a lacy peekaboo to lure in dicks...oh, wait…lace and peekaboo, staring right at me.”
“Shut up,” I grumble, knowing very well I’m wearing a sexy bra.
A wave of nausea hits me again, the third time today. I press my palm against my forehead and release a deep sigh.
“Maybe I should stay at home. It’s been a crazy week with back to back shifts and emergencies. Harlene really needs to hire an extra pair of hands.”
“You can say that again.” Joaquin sighs along with me. “The pressure on you guys is a lot. Another vet should take up a chunk of the work. She should get a male hottie, balance things out between two sexy lady vets.”
“Not feeling the sexy right now.” I slam my hand over my mouth and close my eyes to breathe through my nose in an effort to shove the nausea down.
“Open your eyes, Cassidy,” Joaquin snaps. I’m staring at a large glass of cold water. “No dancing for you. Sit down and drink up.”
I take his advice and slowly feel the ickiness pass.
Joaquin releases a deep sigh. “We both know your whole dick chase attitude is a wild goose story. You, my friend, created that sex bomb reputation to give the impression that you will never settle for one dick. All while your heart is not the iceberg you make it out to be and is in fact made of a big puddle of tears inflicted by the two assholes who carved up your very soul. I hope they burn in hell. Well, I know at least your asshole father is, being dead and all. Fingers crossed your ex will join him soon because he was the bigger jerk. Or so you mentioned since you were very skimpy with the details. Wanna share some more now? Get it off your chest and all? I can see how hard it must have been for you and the way you lock everyone except me and Harlene out is telling me there was a massive breach of trust.”
“Can we skip this whole intervention? I’m not feeling all that great and I’m not going dancing, okay?” I grumble, my mood now blown to shit at the reminder of the two men in my life who both took everything I had in this world and kicked me to the ground some more.
As if putting up with an asshole father wasn’t bad enough, I had to be the stupid girl who falls for the first guy who gave her the time of day. Making me end up with a figurative knife to my heart when he took the very one I loved more than life.
And I guess I’ve come full circle again. Joaquin reminded me of the past and then there’s the thing that happened a few weeks ago. The one freaking guy I let slip past my defense and yet again I got kicked in the gut.
I really thought Roper’s intentions were clear and all set on me. I should have known better. You could say I have shit luck with men. Hence the whole sexbomb attitude to keep men swooning over something they can never have. No. More. Men. Never again will I open up to either friendship or trust the opposite sex.
Except for Joaquin. He’s the sweetest guy I know and a good friend. One of the only two friends I have on this planet. Trust is a funny thing, and once it’s damaged, you start to doubt everyone’s intentions. The only two I trust and who have never failed me are Joaquin and Harlene. That’s it, and all I need. It’s basically why I became a vet; I prefer animals to humans.
“I can see you’re not feeling all that great, no need to tell me. Are you coming down with something?” He steps forward and places his cheek against my forehead.
The corner of my mouth twitches while he murmurs, “You don’t feel hot.”
“But I am, Joaquin. I’m just not feeling very hot this very moment.” I snicker while I receive a glare in return.
“Cut it out with the whole sex bombingly hot, Cassidy. You’re never sick,” he scolds.
And this sobers me up a bit because he’s right.
Knocking on the door breaks our conversation and Joaquin rushes forward since the knocking is persistent. The door opens and the man I’m really trying to forget and avoid is standing right there. I’m about to spin on my heels and head out the back but the soft whine of a dog grabs my attention.
“Oh, dammit. Take him across the street. Tell Harlene I’ll be right there to help,” I tell him but Joaquin reaches out and squeezes my forearm.
“Harlene went out on an emergency, that’s why I went to check if you were home in case there was another emergency. Do you think you’re up to handling this by yourself?” Concern is evident in his eyes.
“You’re going to help me.” I glance at Roper. “The both of you will.” I stalk past Joaquin and mutter, “Get a trash can ready in case I need to puke.”
I grab the leash from Roper’s hand and coo to the dog to take him toward the clinic. Why the hell do dogs always think they can play or win with a freaking porcupine? Ugh. Poor dog, they’re sticking out everywhere. His face, mouth, inside, outside, ouch.
From behind me I hear Roper ask Joaquin, “Did she just tell you to bring a trash can in case she needs to puke?”
“Yep. She’s not feeling well. No fever, though, I checked.”
I shoot a glare over my shoulder as I step inside the clinic. “Stop talking about me and let’s focus on removing these porcupine quills.”
Thankfully we fall into silence while we all work on the dog once I’ve sedated the poor thing. There were however a few moments where I really needed to breathe through the waves of nausea. I should take the day off tomorrow, but then I’ll be dropping the workload fully on Harlene and that wouldn’t be
fair either.
“I’m going to talk to Harlene in the morning. You’re coming down with something and it clearly shows we need an extra set of hands,” Joaquin states.
I let my hand travel over the dog’s fur. It’s an Australian cattle dog with his blue fur, black mask, and tan markings. I’ve seen him around The Iron Hot Blood ranch where Roper and the rest of his buddies live. They run a ranch as well as a motorcycle club.
Ranchers, bikers, cowboys, one, all, the latter. Maybe they are juggling all these things to throw off the cops, who knows? But I do know one thing; these guys love and know their livestock. In the past couple of months, I’ve been to their ranch on a few occasions. They breed Texas Longhorns as beef cattle. That’s their main focus, though they do own, and breed, quarter horses.
A deep sigh rips from my throat. I really miss my horse. The mere thought makes my throat clog up. It’s also the reason why I shove most horse cases Harlene’s way if possible. It’s hard enough to deprive myself of the one thing I’ve loved most in life. Though when there’s no other way, I do man up and take care of an emergency; animals always come first, no matter what.
“Hey, why the sad face? You did great and Joaquin is right about needing an extra pair of hands in the clinic. You guys take on a lot with not just being a country vet for large animals but treating the small animals as well. The black underneath your eyes shows the fatigue, it’s a good indicator of the load of pressure.” Roper’s knuckles slide over my cheek and it makes the sadness roar through my body, causing it to spill over.
I hate crying. It never solves anything and I hate it even more right now with this man standing next to me. He hurt me too, just like every other man in my life. I should stay far away from him but seeing he’s the vice president of the MC, and my best friend is the old lady of his president, that’s basically impossible.
“That’s it. You’re done,” Roper states and glances at Joaquin. “I’m going to take her home. I’ll call Decker to come pick up his dog. He doesn’t know what happened yet since he’s been working at the junkyard all day. Are you good here?”
“Yes,” Joaquin replies. “Marie will be here within half an hour and Harlene should be back soon too.”
“Now wait just a second,” I start to sputter.
“No,” Roper simply says and scoops me into his arms. “If you’re not looking out for yourself, I’m going to damn well step in and make sure you take the necessary rest your body clearly needs.”
I’m about to argue but his scent is somehow soothing. I grab a fistful of his shirt and bury my head against his chest. Screw the world right now. I’m tired. I’m cranky. Not feeling well. And I did mention tired, right? I’m done arguing for tonight and for sure it’s a stark contradiction to my intention to go out and dance tonight. The hell with it, I’m fine with dreaming about it.
I sigh in contentment when Roper gently places me on my bed. I quickly take off my shoes and clothes and when I’m down to my bra and panties, I become aware he’s still here and is also shedding his boots and pants.
“What are you doing?” I ask in shock since I was expecting him to leave with me being sick and silently agreed to him ushering me off to bed. But that was how far me and him would go.
“Doing as I said: making sure you’re taking the necessary rest. And I can’t do that if I don’t have eyes on you. Now scoot over.”
Scoot over? At least he’s still wearing boxers when he slides underneath the sheets and pulls me close. And yes, I let him pull me close with the whole “feeling icky and tired” thing I seem to have going on. He’s right; I do need to sleep and his scent and warmth do give me the comfort I need to feel safe.
“I’m kicking you out in the morning,” I mutter and snuggle closer.
A soft chuckle ripples through his chest before I feel his lips on the top of my head while he mutters, “We’ll see.”
Once my eyes fall shut I feel an instant calm and I drift off to sleep. Normally I get five to six hours of sleep and this morning I got an extra hour. A solid seven hours and I feel amazing. If I’d gotten more than that I would have woken up with a headache for sure.
I’ve already freshened up and dressed when I’m shamelessly staring at the man still sleeping in my bed. Roper. Sexy. Rough. Determined. Roper. I wish I was as confident as I seem but in reality, I’m scared shitless to let this man in again. He slipped right past my defenses the first time I met him.
Easy enough with his whole bad boy appearance, dirty words, hot and magnificent sex, and utter comfort. But then again, I was an easy in to keep an eye on Harlene who was in danger at the time. Though, they all swear it wasn’t like that; his intentions were clear and all he wanted was me.
Me and my stupid past which caused me to build a wall as thick as steel around my heart. My ex, Kai—a man I thought was head over heels in love with me, so we got married within a mere few weeks—tricked me and ran off with all my belongings. I couldn’t care less about the shit I owned.
All except for one living and breathing, most precious, and loved possession that was in my name and the reason he needed to marry me; access to the official papers. The certificate of registration, everything to transfer the horse into someone else’s name.
Boulder, a quarter horse I bought even before he came into this world. I missed his birth by two hours and I raised and trained him myself. He was the fastest and best horse ever. We managed to win the World Championship barrel racing together right before my ex stole him from me. Well, I guess we were married for two days before Kai took him and ran off to number two on the World Champion list, giving my Boulder to that bitch.
I found out three weeks later when I finally caught up with Kai, and by then it was too late. Boulder wasn’t a nice horse to everyone and this is what got him into trouble. He was injured and they killed him, or so I’ve been told. I lost everything the day I heard he died. I had him for sixteen years. Sixteen years of enjoying barrel racing together, riding each day until we were ripped apart.
I quit riding horses and being near them all together and focused on becoming a vet. Mainly treating small animals so I could ignore the sharp pain I feel whenever I have to treat a horse. Don’t get attached is my main motto for a reason, and not trusting anyone goes along with it. Except for Harlene and Joaquin, those two are hard to block and didn’t take no for an answer. Yet, they never failed or hurt me either.
“You shouldn’t be dressed: work doesn’t start until ten. I know because I made the appointment myself,” Roper grumbles and it makes me jump in my skin.
Dammit, I was so wrapped up in my mind I didn’t even notice he’s awake and strolled past me to get inside the bathroom.
The door closes behind him and it makes me raise my voice a little when I tell him, “I left a note for Harlene to do it, so I’m headed to the clinic instead.”
The toilet flushes and I hear the faucet. A few more breaths before the door swings open and Roper casually strolls out and heads for his clothes.
He’s buttoning his jeans when he says, “I talked to Harlene late last night. She saw the note and agrees with me that you’re taking this one. Something about needing the time with these animals because you always seem to dodge when it comes to horses.”
I shoot him an angry look and he holds up his hands, palms up. “Her words, not mine. I only called her to let her know I would tag along to make sure you were okay.”
My shoulders sag and there are a lot of emotions going havoc inside me. And then it hits me like a freight train. Holy shit. Emotions. Hormones. Nausea. Fatigue.
I’m trying to focus enough to remember when my last period was and in all my brain activity I blurt, “We used condoms every single time we had sex, didn’t we? Wait, there was one time, no—”
Roper’s head tilts to the left, his voice sounds utterly calm when he says, “All except two times, remember? And I did come all over your pussy that one time when you made me jerk myself off while you w
ere teasing that sweet pussy of yours.”
The corner of his mouth twitches while my cheeks heat from remembering all the hot sex we had the short time we spent together.
He’s finished getting dressed and he’s still the trademark of calm—all while I’m freaking the hell out—when he states, “You think we’re pregnant?”
“I don’t know. Maybe?” A breath of frustration rips from my body.
Roper takes my hand and tugs me along. “Come on. I’m going to make us some tea or coffee if you can stomach it, and then we’ll head out to the pharmacy. We have another hour before the new quarter horses need your attention.”
“Why do you guys have so many new quarter horses? Didn’t Harlene check a bunch a few weeks ago too? Can’t you guys just stick with the Longhorns instead of all the different kind of livestock?” I grumble.
His raspy chuckle makes electricity dance over my skin, settling between my legs. Freaking hormones. This man is too damn sexy. And knowing how good he is and how well he can handle my body is also not something I need to remind myself of right now. Most definitely not when he’s standing too close and it’s way too easy for me to kiss him.
Screw it. A kiss is allowed. Hell, I can give in to some hot sex along with it since that doesn’t make a relationship and right now, I need something good in my life.
— Roper —
I should pull away and continue the discussion concerning the horses because she became evasive a few times. But damn if I can stop. And to think she initiated the kiss after repeatedly keeping me at arm’s length the last couple of weeks. She simply leaned forward and planted her lips against mine.
How can I resist this woman? The first time I laid eyes on her I knew I had to own her in every way. Then I got to spend one night in her bed, having the best sex along with great discussions in between to catch our breath, and come morning I was utterly hooked.